

1971. The Center for Historical & Cultural Research in the 1976/1977 budget year started an activity called a research project and recording of regional culture. The specific objective of this research & recording of regional customs is to produce information that can be presented to the Indonesian nation. Each research member is responsible for 1 district, except Banggai where data collection is carried out by someone responsible for the team. In 1981/1982 the recording of the cultural system will reveal the material-building culture which is one of the results of human creation. It takes at least 3.5 hours to travel to the Tajio tribe settlement in Alindau village, having to cross the river up to 3 times, passing through forests with muddy & sandy roads, and not infrequently having to meet snakes on the side of the road. This tribe lives in the mountains between the Sindue Tobata sub-district, Donggala district & Toribulu sub-district, and Parigi Moutong district. Oes...

Lauje's Animism

This is based on their story that there used to be a man named Sae Mandulang who lived in the Taipa Obal area. He married a woman named Yele Lumut who came out of a rock. However, since the 1980s, this pattern has slowly changed. Then just leave it for 2 nights. Even though they already adhere to a monotheistic religion, they still respect and maintain the belief system of their ancestors, including the matter of their origin as explained above. King Tongka Alah is an intermediary between the spirits of the dead and the living. They also believe in the existence of spirits who are also believed to have duties in the world of the living and help the lives of the Lauje tribe. So the success or failure of humans in farming is determined by these spirits. The Lauje people usually ask for blessings from these spirits before carrying out certain activities around their homes. This traditional institution exists to regulate how society acts and behaves according to the customary rules that ha...