Rejang's Animism
In 2090 BC, Rhe Jang Hyang & his group founded a village called Kutai Nuak in the White Napal area, North Bengkulu. Some refer to the region as the Back Indies. In Ekorusyono's Rejang Culture, it is stated that at least in the 2nd century AD, Rejang's ancestors sailed across the ocean & landed on the west coast of Sumatra. They then occupied the downstream area of the Ketahun River before finally continuing along the river until they reached the Lebong area, which at that time was called Renah Sekalawi. Before going to Sumatra, Rejang's ancestors are thought to have stopped for a long time in Kalimantan, before crossing to Sumatra via Bangka & landing on the Musi River. Perhaps because of security & conquest factors, Rejang's ancestors continued along the Musi and Rawas Rivers upstream. After reaching the present Rejang area, Rejang's ancestors did not immediately become familiar with agriculture/cultivation. As a member of the Austronesian langu...