
Showing posts with the label paganism

Rejang's Animism

In 2090 BC, Rhe Jang Hyang & his group founded a village called Kutai Nuak in the White Napal area, North Bengkulu. Some refer to the region as the Back Indies. In Ekorusyono's Rejang Culture, it is stated that at least in the 2nd century AD, Rejang's ancestors sailed across the ocean & landed on the west coast of Sumatra.  They then occupied the downstream area of ​​the Ketahun River before finally continuing along the river until they reached the Lebong area, which at that time was called Renah Sekalawi. Before going to Sumatra, Rejang's ancestors are thought to have stopped for a long time in Kalimantan, before crossing to Sumatra via Bangka & landing on the Musi River. Perhaps because of security & conquest factors, Rejang's ancestors continued along the Musi and Rawas Rivers upstream.  After reaching the present Rejang area, Rejang's ancestors did not immediately become familiar with agriculture/cultivation. As a member of the Austronesian langu...

Mapur's Animism

Apart from the tribes previously discussed, in the province of South Sumatra, various other tribes still adhere to animism & dynamism and are still strong in their belief in ancestral spirits and the existence of supernatural beings in everyday life, one of which is the Mapur tribe. Therefore, our research discusses the identity of religious adherents who are often represented through their opinions & actions, because this occurs in the lives of local religious adherents which can be observed in several regions of Indonesia such as the Kaharingan belief in Kalimantan, the Kubu tribe in Jambi. The research locations are in 4 areas, namely Pangkalpinang, Paya Benua, Tempilang & Sungailiat. Given the limitations in several respects, we can only focus this research on Pejam village & its surroundings. The criteria for participants are the traditional leader, the traditional administrator of this tribe, the village head of Gunung Muda, several members of this tribe & Isl...

Daya's Animism

Previously, in the 19th century, several theories about religion were put forward, ranging from fetishism, naturism, and totemism, to animism. Through the classical sequence comes pre-animism which includes magic & fetishism, animism, then religion. Logic combines with certain ethnographic data to explain that what forms the postulate is not the power of a pre-animistic superpersonal God, but rather a pre-animistic non-personal power. What was the belief system of pre-literate humans, who were their ancestors? The word animism comes from the Latin anima which means spirit. In the An English - Indonesian Dictionary, animism is called animism which means the soul of objects. There are quite a lot of definitions of animism. The term animism comes from the Latin anima which means spirit. Meanwhile, animism, according to Mariasusai Dhavamony, as the theory explained by EB Tylor, has two meanings. First, animism can be understood as the principle of religious human belief, attaching the ...


The history of the Rangkuti & Pulungan clan states that the origin of the Batak Mandailing tribe is from the lower reaches of the Batang Gadis River. This is also based on the history of the clan in this tribe which relates the life of their ancestors to this river. The Kingdom's territory stretched from Portibi to Panyabungan. Together with Sutan Puasa, they were involved in the Klang War between 1866-1873. In the mid-19th century, the Dutch established defensive forts at Singengu & Kotanopan. Some other people have migrated to Riau, to the Malay Peninsula. A small portion of this ethnic group also lives in Selangor & Perak, Peninsular Malaysia. They were once under the influence of the Padri from Minangkabau, so culturally this ethnic group was influenced by Islamic religious culture. Like the majority of Indonesian people, this ethnic group adheres to the Syafii school of thought. Before getting to know Islam, this tribe already had a belief known as the animist / Pe...


Based on the 2010 Indonesian Population Census of 12,930,319 registered residents, the majority of the population of North Sumatra is Batak, namely 44.75%, including all Batak sub-tribes, including Simalungun. The Southern family consists of its languages. The shape of the traditional house in this area is similar to the Batak Toba traditional house. The Batak people, generally this tribe, have a variety of special foods made from pork. According to several studies, the use of ulos by the Batak tribe shows similarities with the Karen people on the borders of Myanmar, Thailand & Laos, especially in their headbands, cloth, and ulos. This tribe has a musical instrument called the gondang which is usually played during traditional ceremonies at weddings, deaths, etc. The original clan of the population is Damanik & 3 immigrant clan, namely Saragih, Sinaga, and Purba. Sinaga means simada naga, where the dragon in God's mythology is known as the cause of earthquakes and landslide...


The majority of Karo people adhere to Protestant Christianity, Catholic Christianity, Islam & Pemena. Generally, followers of the Pemena religion live in villages near/at the foot of Mount Sinabung. Pemena is the traditional belief/religion of the Batak Karo people. Pemena, in the Batak Karo language, means first/initial. The Batak Karo people believe that everything that exists in this world, both what can be seen and what cannot be seen, is Dibata's creation. Everything that can be seen according to the Karo people is the work of Dibata, with differences between Dibata Siidah & Dibata Sila Idah. Dibata Siidah pointed to Kalimbubu. Apart from that, there are 2 believed elements of strength, namely Sindar Mataniari & Si Beru Dayang. Si Beru Dayang is a female spirit who lives on the moon. Belonging to the animist belief system, most Pemena adherents are warriors from Tanah Karo. Likewise, the Karo traditional ceremony is carried out by the Tengger Community to implement...

Fanomba Adu

It is estimated that the Nias tribe came from Taiwan via the Philippines 4,000 - 5,000 years ago. Archaeological research on the stone tools shows that the humans who occupied this tribal cave came from 12,000 years ago. In 2000, there were around 770,000 speakers of the language. The majority of them are Protestant Christians while the others are Muslim, Catholic, Buddhist & Fanomba Adu. At least according to the facts around 1967. This last belief system is the name given by outsiders. This tribe is generally better known for its animist belief system. Which is a belief system that comes from their ancestors. Ancestors are the most respected, especially after their death. Animism is characterized by the belief in the existence of the spirits of people who have died. Animism believes that relatives & people who have died are still around their relatives. Those who previously adhered to animism also asked for protection from spirits to protect living humans. Apart from that, an...