
The majority of Karo people adhere to Protestant Christianity, Catholic Christianity, Islam & Pemena. Generally, followers of the Pemena religion live in villages near/at the foot of Mount Sinabung. Pemena is the traditional belief/religion of the Batak Karo people.
Pemena, in the Batak Karo language, means first/initial. The Batak Karo people believe that everything that exists in this world, both what can be seen and what cannot be seen, is Dibata's creation. Everything that can be seen according to the Karo people is the work of Dibata, with differences between Dibata Siidah & Dibata Sila Idah.
Dibata Siidah pointed to Kalimbubu. Apart from that, there are 2 believed elements of strength, namely Sindar Mataniari & Si Beru Dayang. Si Beru Dayang is a female spirit who lives on the moon.

Belonging to the animist belief system, most Pemena adherents are warriors from Tanah Karo. Likewise, the Karo traditional ceremony is carried out by the Tengger Community to implement an animist belief system. Karo traditional ceremonies take the form of activities of respecting & worshiping ancestral spirits who are considered to have supernatural abilities that can bring good or evil.

In this tribe, people who have the same merga/beru are considered brothers in the sense of having the same ancestor. In the fifth century, there was a wave of Indian migration which introduced Buddhism and the Nagari script. Nagari writing will be the forerunner of ancient Batak, Malay & Javanese letters.

So, there is a small portion who are Hindu & Buddhist, namely around 1.4%. Other religions, especially Buddhism, can be found in urban areas but are very few in number. Then, there was a split in this ethnic group which was motivated by the influence of the power of the Aceh Sultanate.

The Pamena ideology is considered a Hindu religion because some of its adherents have adhered to the Hindu Dharma religion since 1977. The purpose of this article is to find out what the instructors' strategies are in minimizing animism in Karo Regency. The data obtained was in the form of observations and interviews with religious instructors and also the head of the KUA in Simpang 4 District & secondary data sources in the form of books as well as documentation & analysis used to reduce data and draw conclusions.

The results of this research can conclude that the people in Simpang 4 District still adhere to their customs. However, there are several methods for extension workers to minimize the idea of ​​animism, including the lecture method, recitations for ladies and gentlemen, Friday sermons, and socializing with the community directly, to get closer to the community there. The obstacles faced by religious instructors are the community's less positive response to the delivery of preaching which is considered to be contrary to the beliefs of their ancestors.

Another name is Parbegu.


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