Buhun is an ancient teaching of pre-Hindu Sundanese ancestors & existed long before religion from mainland Asia entered the Indonesian archipelago so pure Buhun teachings do not recognize reincarnation, heaven, hell/moksa. Still, they recognize 3 types of death, namely paeh kasarad / death with his soul becoming a demon sacrifice, paeh Kakungkung / dies but his soul is trapped inside the waruga. His soul will become extinct as the waruga decays / dies in extinction & paeh sawilujeungna / his soul exits the waruga safely into the heavenly realm which is believed to be the realm of eternity. The Buhun belief consists of several sects, different from the Sundanese Wiwitan as the largest religious sect in Indonesia which is spread in several areas of southern Banten & West Java starting from Kanekes in Banten whose population is known as the Baduy tribe, then Ciptagelar in Sukabumi district which is inhabited by people Ciptagelar, Naga village in Tasikmalaya district, Sindang B...