
Showing posts with the label totemism

Siau's Animism

The first kulan in Tampunganglawo was named Gumansalangi. He had a wife named Ondoasa, who was also called Sangiangkonda / Kondowulaeng. At the end of the 12th century, Gumansalangi was a crown prince of the sultan in Kotabato.  Gumansalangi & Ondaasa had 2 children, namely Melintang Nusa and Meliku Nusa. On this journey, Andoasa's brother, Prince Bawangunglara, also joined. In South Tabukan, they landed at Saluhe Beach.  Because Gumansalangi was a kulan / King, the local people changed the place where they landed to Saluhang, which means to be praised and maintained so that it grows well and is fertile. In the 13th century / 1300 AD, they founded a new Kingdom in Salurang & its territory reached Marulang. Both of them moved to the top of Mount Sahendarumang & settled there.  After both were in this place, the sound of thunder and lightning rays was always heard from the top of the mountain, until Gumansalangi was named Medellu which means thunder that sounds ...

Banjar's Animism

In fact, several genetic studies in modern times indicate that the ancestors of the Malagasy ethnic group in the western region of Madagascar and several other ethnic groups in eastern Africa are descendants of the Dayak diaspora who came from the Banjar area in southern Kalimantan. Experts divide the form of primitive beliefs into several parts, namely, dynamism, animism, fetishism, and totemism. Animism is a belief that assumes that everything in nature has a soul. Animism is a belief system based on various spirits/souls and spirits around human habitation. The term animism means the belief that everything that exists must be alive. For example, trees, valleys, mountains, rivers, hills, the moon, and animals all have inhabitants. In the above case regarding animism, animism is a belief in spirits that are not visible to humans with the naked eye. Awareness and belief of society in the existence of supernatural powers/spirits that exist in objects, so that these objects are used as a...

Palembang's Animism

The Malay community from South Sumatra such as Palembang can be found significantly because the South Sumatra & Lampung areas are close together and have direct borders, they have also migrated to Lampung province for a long time. In 2021, the bari house as a traditional tribal house was officially recognized as one of the intangible cultural heritages in architectural aspects by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. The concept of slametan is rooted in original Javanese culture, namely starting with the belief in animism & dynamism which is basically the belief of the ancestors and is then revived & enriched by Hindu and Buddhist culture which believes in the existence of Gods in the form of objects and natural events. The function of dance as a means of the slametan ceremony is a medium for offering/worshipping supernatural powers widely used by people who believe in animism, dynamism & totemism presented in this sacred ceremony to achieve salvation/happin...

Teloko's Animism

The Historical & Cultural Research Center in 1976/1977, started an activity called a research project and recording regional culture. At the start of this project activity, general research & recording activities were carried out regarding regional customs throughout Indonesia. In the second stage of this thematic research, namely, the 1978/1979 fiscal year, research was carried out in 15 regions. Some of these areas are the Ogan Komering Ulu, Lahat & Musi Banyuasir districts. The area borders the sea to the east, namely the Bangka & Java Straits. Meanwhile, mountainous land is found along Bukit Barisan bordering Bengkulu Province. This area is mostly located in the highlands, along the Lematang river, most of it is located in the highlands along Lematang river, a small part is swamp & forest. Rain falls mainly in October - April with average rainfall between 2000 - 3000 mm. Between 2000 mm and 3000 mm & the number of rainy days a year is 99 - 152. The dry seaso...

Sampan's Animism

Other tribes from South Sumatra include all tribes from South Sumatra such as the Orang Sampan tribe. In 1500 BC there was an activity of migration/shifting of the Old Malays to create the Old Malay tribe which is now known as the Sampan People / Coastal Sea People. At that time, according to history, they had inhabited several regions in Southeast Asia in scattered small groups with a lifestyle of carrying out all life activities at sea to fulfill their living needs. In the past, our ancestors moved from one place to another to collect food from animals & plants. Those in Kelumu Village live on the coast around the mouth of the Kelumu River. Their settlement is called Kampung Baru. Their history in the Riau Islands region during the time of the Malacca & Riau Lingga Kingdoms from 1911 to 1945 until now. Some believe their history began in 1970 - 1990 until now and development continues to be planned by the government to fulfill existing facilities to advance development in sec...

Daya's Animism

Previously, in the 19th century, several theories about religion were put forward, ranging from fetishism, naturism, and totemism, to animism. Through the classical sequence comes pre-animism which includes magic & fetishism, animism, then religion. Logic combines with certain ethnographic data to explain that what forms the postulate is not the power of a pre-animistic superpersonal God, but rather a pre-animistic non-personal power. What was the belief system of pre-literate humans, who were their ancestors? The word animism comes from the Latin anima which means spirit. In the An English - Indonesian Dictionary, animism is called animism which means the soul of objects. There are quite a lot of definitions of animism. The term animism comes from the Latin anima which means spirit. Meanwhile, animism, according to Mariasusai Dhavamony, as the theory explained by EB Tylor, has two meanings. First, animism can be understood as the principle of religious human belief, attaching the ...

Ogoh - Ogoh

In Dutch records, at the beginning of the 19th century, the city of Palembang was called the Venice of the East/city of water, because more than 100 rivers & tributaries flowed in this city. The Palembang nation is thought to have been born in 683 AD. The so-called Old Malay & Young Malay groups arrived around 500 BC. Before the arrival of religion in the archipelago, this community believed in spirits & supernatural powers which is now known as animism & dynamism. Animism & dynamism have the belief that all objects in this world have spirits that influence human life. This tribe was previously a fan of Ogoh-Ogoh. This devotee is different from animism & devotees are actually protected in Law Number 29 of 1945. Tepung Tawar at a Palembang wedding symbolizes an antidote to all dangers / exorcising evil spirits that disturb the bridal couple. Bohari & Magiman's research also discusses the tradition of plain flour in 2020 with the title Symbols & Meanin...

Fanomba Adu

It is estimated that the Nias tribe came from Taiwan via the Philippines 4,000 - 5,000 years ago. Archaeological research on the stone tools shows that the humans who occupied this tribal cave came from 12,000 years ago. In 2000, there were around 770,000 speakers of the language. The majority of them are Protestant Christians while the others are Muslim, Catholic, Buddhist & Fanomba Adu. At least according to the facts around 1967. This last belief system is the name given by outsiders. This tribe is generally better known for its animist belief system. Which is a belief system that comes from their ancestors. Ancestors are the most respected, especially after their death. Animism is characterized by the belief in the existence of the spirits of people who have died. Animism believes that relatives & people who have died are still around their relatives. Those who previously adhered to animism also asked for protection from spirits to protect living humans. Apart from that, an...