Teloko's Animism

The Historical & Cultural Research Center in 1976/1977, started an activity called a research project and recording regional culture. At the start of this project activity, general research & recording activities were carried out regarding regional customs throughout Indonesia. In the second stage of this thematic research, namely, the 1978/1979 fiscal year, research was carried out in 15 regions.

Some of these areas are the Ogan Komering Ulu, Lahat & Musi Banyuasir districts. The area borders the sea to the east, namely the Bangka & Java Straits. Meanwhile, mountainous land is found along Bukit Barisan bordering Bengkulu Province.

This area is mostly located in the highlands, along the Lematang river, most of it is located in the highlands along Lematang river, a small part is swamp & forest. Rain falls mainly in October - April with average rainfall between 2000 - 3000 mm. Between 2000 mm and 3000 mm & the number of rainy days a year is 99 - 152.

The dry season occurs between June - September. The transmigration places in the area are Tugu Mulyo, Belitung, Delta Upang & Cinta Manis, and Pematang Panggang. Other tribes from South Sumatra include all tribes from South Sumatra such as the Teloko tribe.

The remains of the Teloko tribe were found in the Lampung border area. Apart from that, there are still many prehistoric objects thought to be hidden in the area of ​​Bukit Siguntang, Tulung Selapan, OKU, next to the Datuk River, Benakat & in the area of ​​the present city of Kayu Agung. Langkuse is a simple young man who lived in the Kayuagung area in ancient times.

During the time when Palembang was ruled by Suhunan, the area where he lived always received harassment from people who had bad intentions towards his younger sister, Petori Buwok Handak. One day, people in Perigi hamlet were shocked by the presence of a buffalo that was blindly destroying people's houses. Several days later from that incident, Langkuse again had to face a tough test in his village with the arrival of guests from Banten with several of their entourages.

Several villagers saw Petori being kidnapped, so one of them ran wildly into the forest to tell Langkuse about it. When the fighting became more intense, one of Suhunan's soldiers had a tug-of-war with Petori Buwok Handak, that's when her hairpin fell to the ground and turned into a swamp which is now called Lebak Teloko. In other words, they still adhere to the beliefs of animism, dynamism & totemism.

The remains of the Teloko tribe were found in the Lampung border area. Apart from that, there are still many prehistoric objects thought to be hidden in the area of ​​Bukit Siguntang, Tulung Selapan, OKU, next to the Datuk River, Benakat & in the area of ​​the present city of Kayu Agung. Langkuse is a simple young man who lived in the Kayuagung area in ancient times.

During the time when Palembang was ruled by Suhunan, the area where he lived always received harassment from people who had bad intentions towards his younger brother, Petori Buwok Handak. One day, people in Perigi hamlet were shocked by the presence of a buffalo that was blindly destroying people's houses. Several days later from that incident, Langkuse again had to face a tough test in his village with the arrival of guests from Banten with several of their entourages.

Several villagers saw Petori being kidnapped, so one of them ran wildly into the forest to tell Langkuse about it. When the fighting became more intense, one of Suhunan's soldiers had a tug-of-war with Petori Buwok Handak, that's when his hairpin fell to the ground and turned into a swamp which is now called Lebak Teloko. In other words, they still adhere to the beliefs of animism, dynamism & totemism.

In the 4th century AD, several inscriptions were found, first in Sanskrit and then in Old Malay. According to the charter of Kedukan Bukit 683 AD. There was a new center of government, that could effectively control world trade routes through the Malacca & Sunda straits, so it quickly grew into a maritime ruler as the first chiefdom in the archipelago which once played an important role in the world of shipping trade and culture in the Southeast Asian region.

Ships sailing to India/China had to pay duties on it & shipping in those days always depended on the monsoons. Buddhism developed rapidly under the sovereignty of Tulang Bawang & the King always tried to ensure that the progress of trade and shipping was balanced with the progress of religion. Buddhism, which does not recognize the caste system, finds fertile ground in this area because it encourages every human being to try as hard as possible to achieve the highest happiness.

At the high school, there is a dormitory, a place where Buddhist experts and travelers who study the religion live. In 1275, the Tulang Bawang Kingdom was attacked by King Kertanegara. Finally, King Arya Damar himself converted to Islam at the suggestion of Sunan Ampel, as did Raden Patah, son of King Majapahit.

However, the relationship got worse and worse and finally erupted into war in 1659. The Sultan's successor was then forced to recognize the Netherlands. He was succeeded by his son Sultan Mansyur 1706-1715 & then Sultan Badaruddin who is famous in history against colonialism in this area & founded the Pahang Grand Mosque in 1740.

The history of the Teloko tribe ended in the hands of the Japanese government, which only took 3 years.


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