
Showing posts with the label christianity


1971. The Center for Historical & Cultural Research in the 1976/1977 budget year started an activity called a research project and recording of regional culture. The specific objective of this research & recording of regional customs is to produce information that can be presented to the Indonesian nation. Each research member is responsible for 1 district, except Banggai where data collection is carried out by someone responsible for the team. In 1981/1982 the recording of the cultural system will reveal the material-building culture which is one of the results of human creation. It takes at least 3.5 hours to travel to the Tajio tribe settlement in Alindau village, having to cross the river up to 3 times, passing through forests with muddy & sandy roads, and not infrequently having to meet snakes on the side of the road. This tribe lives in the mountains between the Sindue Tobata sub-district, Donggala district & Toribulu sub-district, and Parigi Moutong district. Oes...

Lauje's Animism

This is based on their story that there used to be a man named Sae Mandulang who lived in the Taipa Obal area. He married a woman named Yele Lumut who came out of a rock. However, since the 1980s, this pattern has slowly changed. Then just leave it for 2 nights. Even though they already adhere to a monotheistic religion, they still respect and maintain the belief system of their ancestors, including the matter of their origin as explained above. King Tongka Alah is an intermediary between the spirits of the dead and the living. They also believe in the existence of spirits who are also believed to have duties in the world of the living and help the lives of the Lauje tribe. So the success or failure of humans in farming is determined by these spirits. The Lauje people usually ask for blessings from these spirits before carrying out certain activities around their homes. This traditional institution exists to regulate how society acts and behaves according to the customary rules that ha...

Tialo's Animism

According to Peirce, the word semiotics has been used since the 18th century by German philosopher Lambert, Peirce proposed the word semiotics as a synonym for logic. Bhinneka is a single symbolic statement about the nation of Indonesia's cultural diversity. The literal meaning of this sentence is different, but 1. In field research on the cultural system of isolated communities in Central Sulawesi conducted by Anrini Sofion & Tri Choesianto, the Lauje people are estimated to not only live in other sub-districts in Donggala Regency, but some even live in Poso & Banggai Regency. Through this kind of research, researchers can also get closer to their own country's culture which is often forgotten / unconsciously forgotten & more busy imitating Western culture, Depdikbud. The stage of compiling & field research to obtain the data needed in this thesis began in September - October 2017. Asrul stated that in the period before the entry of Islam & Christianity, tr...

Aluk Tomatua

Banua Layuk is a symbol of the highest leadership in the structure of the Ballapeu village community. This Mamasa traditional house is unique, which, according to them, resembles a ship's shape, like the ships of their ancestors when they departed from their country of origin, crossed the sea & stopped in this area through the upper reaches of the river. Likewise, the Mamasa community before the entry of Christianity, expressed their belief in the Divine with the name Dewata, who is believed to be the creator, maintainer & giver of blessings for all mankind and the universe & its contents, poured into an ancestral belief system called Aluk Tomatua. In the ancestral belief system, Aluk Tomatua is systematically arranged through rituals related to the cycle of human life on earth, called pemali appa randanna / 4 elements of human life rules. Responding to the process of transition from the concept of the Divine in the ancestral belief of Aluk Tomatua. In our opinion, this...

Kulawi's Animism

Sedimentary, alkali & laterite rocks are found in the plains that jut into the sea, namely in the Balaesang sub-district. The summer season occurs between April - September, while the rainy season occurs in October - March. The area includes Kulawi Lake, Lindau, Gimpu Plain & around the Koro River, inhabited by their ancestors since prehistoric times. The evidence that the area they occupy has been occupied since prehistoric times is the discovery of archaeological objects from the megalithic tradition that is more than 3000 years old. Exploring Parigi in the north of the Bada, Rompi, Padaseko, and Rongkong areas. Other leaves are like giant umbrellas that cover the earth to Ma Tau. As proof, in the Bobo area to Bangga, many corals & beach/seagrasses are found. Naming an area taken from the name of a tree/fruit seems that it used to be common in Indonesia. There is another legend that tells that the ancestors of the Kulawi people were born miraculously from the segment of a...

Mori's Animism

For fieldwork, 12 field officers and 5 field coordinators have been prepared, consisting of lecturers and doctoral students from the history and civic law department, Undana's teaching faculty, and Musepur employees who are already bachelors and alumni of the history department. This training lasted for 1 month, namely July 1977. Based on folklore still alive among the people of East Nusa Tenggara, their ancestors used to think they came from outside, namely by sea with rafts from the west, east/north, from the sea, and air. According to folklore, their ancestors used to come from outside, namely by sea with rafts from the west, east/north. Some even say they emerged from the ground/plants, such as the Abur people in Alar and several tribes in Belu. It turns out that several areas in NTT admit that their ancestors came from across from 1 place that has the words Sina & Malacca. The people of Sumba Island know their ancestors as Umbu Walu Mandoku who came from Malaka Tanobara by...

Kalumpang's Aluk To Dolo

The Kalumpang tribe is one of the 2 oldest Neolithic sites in Indonesia that shows evidence of the habitation of the Austronesian-speaking community who became the ancestors of most of the Indonesian people. The population is estimated at around 1 million people, with around 500,000 still living in the Tana Toraja, North Toraja, and Mamasa districts. This migration occurred until 1985. The event was documented by National Geographic & broadcast in several European countries. They still adhere to animism and have not been touched by the outside world. The relationship between families is expressed through blood, marriage, and sharing ancestral homes, practically marked by the exchange of buffalo and pigs in rituals.  Rituals related to the tongkonan are significant in the spiritual life of the Toraja tribe, therefore all family members are required to participate because the tongkonan symbolizes their relationship with their ancestors. When the ancestors of the Toraja tribe came...

Pamona's Animism

Pamona also refers to the unity of several ethnicities, an abbreviation of pakaroso mosintuwu naka molanto. Then, Pamona became an ethnic group united under the Dutch colonial government. The name Pamona was declared in Tentena & even a commemoration of the declaration was immortalized as a monument with the name Watu mpogaa as a reminder of the origin and also named a street with the name Pamona. The predecessors of the Pamona tribe came from the land of Salu Moge because they came from the central government which was eventually subdued by Macoa Bawalipu from Wotu, East Luwu district to be closer to the central government, which was at that time in Mangkutana, East Luwu. This situation lasted until the Darul Islam rebellion which caused them to spread to Central Sulawesi & other areas. The mother tongue used by the Rampi community is Kaili & Pamona, a language from the same family as the Kaili and Pamona tribes, this language is spoken by around 8000 people in the Rampi d...

To Garibo's Animism

This proverb is very appropriate for describing indigenous peoples in Indonesia. Legal expert Satjipto Rahardjo mentioned several requirements in Article 18B paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution as a form of hegemonic state power that determines the existence or absence of indigenous peoples. The birth of the Constitutional Court decision no. 35 of 2012 is the basis for the recognition, protection & empowerment of the sovereignty of indigenous peoples in managing their forests. It explicitly mandates that customary forest management can be carried out by indigenous peoples and their existence is no longer in state forest areas. The change in leadership of aMaN Maluku affected the organization's performance in assisting the Nuaulu tribe in Central Maluku for a while. Meanwhile, aMaN Riau at that phase experienced internal challenges, in addition to external factors in the form of a political map in the local government, which influenced the assistance program for the Talang Mama...

Aluk To Dolo

Although the rituals created ties between villages, there was great diversity in dialects, social hierarchies, and ritual practices in the highlands of Sulawesi. The event was documented by National Geographic and broadcast in several European countries. Western tourists were encouraged to visit the Stone Age villages and ancient burial grounds. Schools were established and teachers were brought in from Sangihe Talaud and Ambon. In 1970, Aluk Todolo was protected by the state and officially categorized as Hindu, often referred to as Hindu Alukta. This migration occurred until 1985. The Indonesian government has recognized Aluk To Dolo / Hindu Alukta as part of Hinduism in Indonesia. They still adhere to animism and have not been touched by the outside world. Relationships between families are expressed through blood, marriage, and sharing ancestral homes, practically marked by the exchange of buffalo and pigs in rituals. Rituals related to the tongkonan are very important in the spirit...


Several fragment artifacts were found in the Walanae and Maros river valleys, which are estimated to date from between 40,000 and 19,000 BC. The skeletons are estimated to be more than 7200 years old. These Austronesian people later mixed with the Indigenous population and became the direct ancestors of the tribes in South Sulawesi, including the Bugis tribe. The ancestral land of the Bugis tribe is located around Lake Tempe and Sidenreng in the Walannae depression on the southwest peninsula of Sulawesi. This is where the ancestors of the current Bugis tribe settled, possibly in the mid-to-late second millennium BC. Estimated to date between 4000 and 2000 BC, these seeds are likely related to the arrival of their Austronesian ancestors in the region / among the earlier Toalean hunter-gatherer society. There are many respected shipbuilding centers in the region, including Ara, the land of Lemo & Bira. Writing in the lontara script probably first appeared around 1400. In the 14th cen...

Moronene's Animism

He ended his life at the foot of a hill near the village of Kassi Pute. Usually, the engagement period is between 1 and 7 years. In the Moronene community, traditional expressions are seen as sacred because they are closely related to humans' religious nature. Until now, there are still groups of people who believe in supernatural powers that will help if a disaster strikes, and this is inseparable from the influence of animism and dynamism beliefs. In the Moronene community, traditional expressions are seen as something related to the atmosphere of sacredness because it is closely related to the religious nature of humans & until now there are still groups of people who believe in supernatural powers that can help if a disaster strikes and this is inseparable from the influence of animism & dynamism beliefs. However, traditional beliefs are still fundamental, especially beliefs in evil spirits. The function of storing aims so that the younger generation can know & unde...

Banggai's Animism

Most of the population inhabiting the province of Southeast Sulawesi are local indigenous tribes, including the Banggai tribe. The activities still found today are hunting, especially in the Peleng Island area in the interior. While to get to their place it takes 4 days of land travel, traveling 80 - 100 km. They still adhere to animism and believe in the power of spirits & other inanimate objects. Not just worshiping ancestral spirits that cannot guarantee their lives in the afterlife. Christianity was first spread by missionaries from the Netherlands, namely AC Cruyt & Adrian in the Poso area and the southern part of Donggala. While Hinduism & Buddhism were brought by transmigrants from Bali and West Indonesia. Before this alian ideology, the Sampekonan community adhered to animism, dynamism & mysticism, until the entry of Haji Ali Taetang to Sampekonan. Still, Ali Taetang brought the alian ideology as a new stream of Islam. Before the new name was announced as Zikrul...

Wawonii's Animism

This area has officially become a new district since 2013, after previously being the Konawe district. The Wawonii people are still bound by animism. Pray that the Holy Spirit will open the spiritual eyes and disturb the hearts of the Wowonii people so that they turn to the truth of God's word.

Bantik's Animism

There are three names of dotu muntu—untu who attended the meeting: muntu—-untu from the seventh century from Telebusu, muntu—-untu from the 12th century from Tonsea, and muntu—untu from the 15th century from the Spanish era. In the city of Manado, several areas still maintain their ancestral culture, namely the Bantik tribe. In addition, there are also in Ratahan and the Mongondouw region. The Ban Hin Kiong Temple, built in the early 19th century, is the center of cultural tourism in Chinatown. Kampung Arab is a religious tourism destination because of the large number of Arab Peranakan communities. The Bantik tribe still preserves some of its ancestral relics. The tribe's belief system began with animism. As their lives developed, there was a shift in their understanding of the belief system when people began to believe in the teachings of the Bible through preaching carried out in the Dutch East Indies era; until now, they live in a Christian belief system.

Bolaang's Animism

The Bantik tribe is located southwest of Manado city in Malalayang and Kalasei. It is also found in Ratahan and the Mongondouw region. Those who go to the southern interior inhabit Bumbungon, Mahag, Tabagolinggot, Tabagomamag, Siniyow, Dumoga Mointok, Moloben, etc. This migration event occurred around the 8th & 9th centuries. The belief system of the Bantik tribe began with animism as a tribal belief. The Mongondow tribe believes their ancestors came from the Gumalangit & Tendeduata couple and the Tumotoiboko and Tumotoibokat couple, who lived on Mount Komasan, now part of Bintauna. The name Bolaang Mongondow cannot be separated from the mythology regarding the ancestors of the Bolaang Mongondow tribe which comes from the mythology of Gumalangit - Tendeduata & Tumotoi Bokol - Bokat above. The name Bolaang Mongondow is inseparable from the mythology of the ancestors of the Bolaang Mongondow people which comes from the mythology of Gumalangit - Tendeduata & Tumotoi Bokol ...

Melayu's Animism

Talang Mamak comes from the word talang, which means field & also mamak which means mother. In addition to Talang Mamak, this tribe has other names, such as the Anak Dalam & Langkah Lama tribes. Like the Sakai tribe, Talang Mamak is said to come from Pagaruyung who moved & lived in Indragiri. This is written in Old Malay, possibly the ancestor of the current Malay language & its variants. Animism believes every object has a soul that must be respected to not disturb humans. Animism is 1 belief that exists among people who still practice a simple life. According to EB Taylor, animism comes from Latin, namely, anima which means belief in spirits that first grew in the minds of primitive humans. Animism believes that every object on this earth has a soul that must be respected so that the spirit does not disturb humans, but instead helps them from evil spirits & spirits and also in their daily lives. There is nothing special in this era except their primitive beliefs a...


Indonesia is an archipelago with diverse customs, cultures, languages ​​& ethnic groups. While the Dayak tribe of the Lawangan group who speak the East Barito language and inhabit the northern region of the Meratus mountains speak the Dayak Maanyan Warukin language, Dayak Dusun Halong, Dayak Samihin, Dayak Deah / Dusun Deyah, Dayak Lawangan & Dayak Abal. Lawangan means an open gate.  The word comes from the word hole, which indicates that the ancestors of the Dayak Lawangan people used to live in a cave at the foot of a mountain called Mount Luang. This suggests that the ancestors of the Lawangan people used to live in a cave at the foot of a mountain called Mount Luang. This name was used in the 13th century during the Hindu Kingdom.  According to the Dayak Ngaju people, Kaharingan existed for thousands of years before the arrival of major religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam & Christianity. Kabaringan people believe the natural surroundings are alive and f...

Maanyan's Animism

The largest sub-district in Tabalong Regency is Muara Uya sub-district with 924.16 km2, then Jaro sub-district with 819.00 km2, while the smallest area is Muara Harus sub-district with 62.90 km2. The location of this research is in Warukin village as shown in the following map. Meanwhile, the Dayak tribe of the Maanyan group who speaks the East Barito language inhabits the northern area of ​​the Meratus mountains speaking the Dayak Maanyan Warukin language, Dayak Dusun Halong, Dayak Samihin, Dayak Deah / Dusun Deyah, Dayak Lawangan & Dayak Abal. With instincts as homo religio, the people of Kalimantan make nature a mediation to present a transcendent specifically in local meta-cosmic elements which are pejoratively called animism. Beliefs originating from animism are still strong in the Maanyan community. One example of this animism is the sacred abeh of Dayu village in the miwit abeh ritual, where the original Dayak Maanyan people of Dayu village believe in the superpower of these...