
Showing posts with the label central sulawesi


1971. The Center for Historical & Cultural Research in the 1976/1977 budget year started an activity called a research project and recording of regional culture. The specific objective of this research & recording of regional customs is to produce information that can be presented to the Indonesian nation. Each research member is responsible for 1 district, except Banggai where data collection is carried out by someone responsible for the team. In 1981/1982 the recording of the cultural system will reveal the material-building culture which is one of the results of human creation. It takes at least 3.5 hours to travel to the Tajio tribe settlement in Alindau village, having to cross the river up to 3 times, passing through forests with muddy & sandy roads, and not infrequently having to meet snakes on the side of the road. This tribe lives in the mountains between the Sindue Tobata sub-district, Donggala district & Toribulu sub-district, and Parigi Moutong district. Oes...

Lauje's Animism

This is based on their story that there used to be a man named Sae Mandulang who lived in the Taipa Obal area. He married a woman named Yele Lumut who came out of a rock. However, since the 1980s, this pattern has slowly changed. Then just leave it for 2 nights. Even though they already adhere to a monotheistic religion, they still respect and maintain the belief system of their ancestors, including the matter of their origin as explained above. King Tongka Alah is an intermediary between the spirits of the dead and the living. They also believe in the existence of spirits who are also believed to have duties in the world of the living and help the lives of the Lauje tribe. So the success or failure of humans in farming is determined by these spirits. The Lauje people usually ask for blessings from these spirits before carrying out certain activities around their homes. This traditional institution exists to regulate how society acts and behaves according to the customary rules that ha...

Tialo's Animism

According to Peirce, the word semiotics has been used since the 18th century by German philosopher Lambert, Peirce proposed the word semiotics as a synonym for logic. Bhinneka is a single symbolic statement about the nation of Indonesia's cultural diversity. The literal meaning of this sentence is different, but 1. In field research on the cultural system of isolated communities in Central Sulawesi conducted by Anrini Sofion & Tri Choesianto, the Lauje people are estimated to not only live in other sub-districts in Donggala Regency, but some even live in Poso & Banggai Regency. Through this kind of research, researchers can also get closer to their own country's culture which is often forgotten / unconsciously forgotten & more busy imitating Western culture, Depdikbud. The stage of compiling & field research to obtain the data needed in this thesis began in September - October 2017. Asrul stated that in the period before the entry of Islam & Christianity, tr...

Dampelas' Animism

Meanwhile, the Dampelas tribe lives in the Donggala district. The Dampelas tribe belongs to the western Austronesian language group of the Tomini-Totoli language group. Most of the Dampelas tribe are Muslim but they also maintain animist beliefs.

Buol's Animism

In 1964, with the government regulation in lieu of Law no. 2 of 1964, the Central Sulawesi level I region was formed, which included 4 districts, namely Donggala, Poso, Banggai & Buol Tolitoli.

Pendau's Animism

Several tribes live in the Tolitoli district such as the Pendau tribe. 2016. This article is entitled The Preservation of the Kayori Traditional Ritual Tradition of the Pendau tribe in Tovia Tambu Village, Balaesang District, Donggala District. Article on the Pancasila & Citizenship Education Study Program, Department of Social Science Education, Faculty of Teacher Training & Education, Tadulako University. The Pendau tribe's thinking on the Kayori traditional ritual tradition has changed, including religious values, where the Pendau tribe community used to embrace animism, now they embrace the religion they believe in & several factors that cause change, namely internal and external factors.

Dondo's Animism

Indonesia has diverse ethnic groups wrapped in local traditions and customs. The north is bordered by the sea. The south is bordered by the village of Ogowele. The west is bordered by the village of Bambapun. This group is usually named after the name of the river where they live, such as Salungan, Ogomolobu, Oyom & Kambuno. However, many Dondo tribes still practice animism, especially those who live in the mountains. However, many Dondo tribes still practice animism, especially those who live in the mountains. Animism according to Koentjaraningrat is a belief that considers that everything that moves is considered alive & has supernatural powers / has a spirit that is good or bad. The grave is in the family's yard & family members say goodbye to the spirit of the body by sleeping around the grave for several days. The grave is in the family's yard & family members say goodbye to the spirit of the body by sleeping around the grave for several days. This ceremony...

Tolitoli's Animism

The area along the west coast of Central Sulawesi, from Kaili to Tolitoli, was conquered by the Gowa Kingdom around the mid-16th century under the leadership of King Tunipalangga. The Totoli people generally speak Totoli & Indonesian. In the beliefs of the Totoli people, the Tando Kanau area is known to have supernatural powers, where the area is believed to be the center of supernatural power originating from Mount Tatanggalo & also as a meeting center between the mystical world of the three ancestors of the Totoli people.

Taa's Animism

The Taa tribe lives in the Banggai district. The Taa tribe 1919 was included in the Baree tribe area, but the Taa tribe because there are so many differences in language & dialect with the Baree tribe, the Taa tribe chose to form their own tribe that separated from the Baree tribe area which was then named the Taa tribe. The Taa tribe is different from the To Wana tribe, the Taa tribe is the indigenous population & lives in a region namely in the Bongka & Ampana regions and the To Wana tribe always move from place to place, the Taa and To Wana tribes in the Tojo Kingdom area believe in the spirit of Tanoana & are now Muslim.

Aluk Tomatua

Banua Layuk is a symbol of the highest leadership in the structure of the Ballapeu village community. This Mamasa traditional house is unique, which, according to them, resembles a ship's shape, like the ships of their ancestors when they departed from their country of origin, crossed the sea & stopped in this area through the upper reaches of the river. Likewise, the Mamasa community before the entry of Christianity, expressed their belief in the Divine with the name Dewata, who is believed to be the creator, maintainer & giver of blessings for all mankind and the universe & its contents, poured into an ancestral belief system called Aluk Tomatua. In the ancestral belief system, Aluk Tomatua is systematically arranged through rituals related to the cycle of human life on earth, called pemali appa randanna / 4 elements of human life rules. Responding to the process of transition from the concept of the Divine in the ancestral belief of Aluk Tomatua. In our opinion, this...

Loinang's Animism

Contemporary research on decision-making is mostly rooted in the results of research conducted in the early 20th century, such as studies conducted by Foyett. Other examples of ascribed status are status as an Indonesian citizen, status as a Kubu person, status as a widow, status as an orphan, etc. The Saluan ethnic group is one of 12 ethnic groups in Central Sulawesi. The Saluan / Loinang tribe lives in the Banggai district. When viewed from the number of villages / sub-districts, the sub-district with the largest number of villages is the Pagimana sub-district with 44 villages / sub-districts & the least number of villages is Luwuk Timur sub-district with 6 villages / sub-districts. Geographically, the area inhabited by the Saluan ethnic group is to the west with the Pamona & Bungku ethnic groups, while along the coast it is open to relations with other cultures, especially with the northern Maluku region which is dominated by the influence of the Islamic Kingdom of Ternate. ...

Bungku's Animism

According to history, some Bungku people came from Bugis. Then, the Mori tribe settled in the North Morowali district & the Bungku tribe settled in the Morowali district. The Bungku people once formed a Kingdom, namely the Bungku Kingdom which in Dutch literature is also called the Tambuku / Tombuku Kingdom. The Bungku people prefer to live inland areas which are indeed their ancestral lands. The Bungku people prefer to live inland regions which are indeed their ancestral lands. However, with the existence of trans-Sulawesi, they are now free to communicate with outsiders. The majority of Bungku people still adhere to animism. The majority of Bungku people still adhere to animism.

Kulawi's Animism

Sedimentary, alkali & laterite rocks are found in the plains that jut into the sea, namely in the Balaesang sub-district. The summer season occurs between April - September, while the rainy season occurs in October - March. The area includes Kulawi Lake, Lindau, Gimpu Plain & around the Koro River, inhabited by their ancestors since prehistoric times. The evidence that the area they occupy has been occupied since prehistoric times is the discovery of archaeological objects from the megalithic tradition that is more than 3000 years old. Exploring Parigi in the north of the Bada, Rompi, Padaseko, and Rongkong areas. Other leaves are like giant umbrellas that cover the earth to Ma Tau. As proof, in the Bobo area to Bangga, many corals & beach/seagrasses are found. Naming an area taken from the name of a tree/fruit seems that it used to be common in Indonesia. There is another legend that tells that the ancestors of the Kulawi people were born miraculously from the segment of a...