Tialo's Animism
According to Peirce, the word semiotics has been used since the 18th century by German philosopher Lambert, Peirce proposed the word semiotics as a synonym for logic. Bhinneka is a single symbolic statement about the nation of Indonesia's cultural diversity. The literal meaning of this sentence is different, but 1.
In field research on the cultural system of isolated communities in Central Sulawesi conducted by Anrini Sofion & Tri Choesianto, the Lauje people are estimated to not only live in other sub-districts in Donggala Regency, but some even live in Poso & Banggai Regency. Through this kind of research, researchers can also get closer to their own country's culture which is often forgotten / unconsciously forgotten & more busy imitating Western culture, Depdikbud. The stage of compiling & field research to obtain the data needed in this thesis began in September - October 2017.
Asrul stated that in the period before the entry of Islam & Christianity, traditional ceremonies were still carried out with mantras containing animism. Speech/mantra in society is a word that has a soul, a word that contains advice & only a living soul can give a feeling/reaction according to the meaning behind the words in a speech/mantra. In the Lauje language, moyambute pangantinge means welcoming the bride.
In the Lauje language, mongkoni alat tuwahu njopa monjaange pensae means holding/touching kitchen equipment & cooking. Even though the era is modern & the cooking equipment in the kitchen is sophisticated, the tools used still use simple cooking equipment like those used by the ancestors of the Lauje people long ago. This proves that the Lauje tribe in North Tomini village still preserves the heritage of their ancestors.
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