Kulawi's Animism
Sedimentary, alkali & laterite rocks are found in the plains that jut into the sea, namely in the Balaesang sub-district. The summer season occurs between April - September, while the rainy season occurs in October - March. The area includes Kulawi Lake, Lindau, Gimpu Plain & around the Koro River, inhabited by their ancestors since prehistoric times.
The evidence that the area they occupy has been occupied since prehistoric times is the discovery of archaeological objects from the megalithic tradition that is more than 3000 years old. Exploring Parigi in the north of the Bada, Rompi, Padaseko, and Rongkong areas. Other leaves are like giant umbrellas that cover the earth to Ma Tau.
As proof, in the Bobo area to Bangga, many corals & beach/seagrasses are found. Naming an area taken from the name of a tree/fruit seems that it used to be common in Indonesia. There is another legend that tells that the ancestors of the Kulawi people were born miraculously from the segment of a barn bu tree.
The legend that tells that the ancestors of the Kulawi people were extraordinary people who appeared to earth miraculously, is actually just a traditional expression, that they are a group of ethnic groups with high dignity. Another legend tells the story of the origin of the ancestors of the Kulawi people. His mother was a magical princess who came from the water and was hooked by a man named Sadomo when he was fishing in the river.
The marriage between the magical princess and Sadomo gave birth to a magical son named Balu. The form of the city of Pitunggota / Patanggota is based on the vast area of the Kingdom which has many representatives of soki from several corners. In 1904 the Kingdom area was made an administrative area with the name of a district, besides the district there is something called onderdistrik.
During the time of King Taitorengke, the Dutch East Indies colonial army in 1905 succeeded in conquering the Kttlawi kingdom after first facing fierce resistance from the Taitorengke army who were defending themselves in the Momi mountain fort. After his death, he was replaced by his son who was titled Magau Toma I Mampe. According to the 1975 census, the population was 20,540 people.
Meanwhile, the number according to the 1990 population census was 585,202 & the 2000 population census was 732,126 people. The largest sex ratio is in the Dolo sub-district, namely. 107. By looking at the comparison of the number of non-productive age population with the productive age population, it can be seen that the dependency ratio in 2001 was 74.
Meanwhile, the largest number of independent migrants were placed in the Ampibabo sub-district, namely 609 families / 2163 people. The smallest number of sub-health centers is in the Sirenja sub-district. Before the entry of religion into the Kaili land, the Kaili tribe still adhered to animism, worshiping the spirits of ancestors & the Creator God, the Fertility God & the Healing God.
Such beliefs are called animism. Even in ancient times, the Kulawi tribe who already had animism beliefs were also reflected in the legend about the origin of the ancestors of the Kulawi tribe. Animism beliefs developed into a form of dynamism beliefs, spiritism that is based on human awareness of the existence of spirits, that inhabit the surroundings of human living space.
That was the basis of religion in the past on dynamism and animism beliefs. In the old beliefs of the Kulawi tribe, there were 2 types of rah, namely good spirits called karampua & evil spirits called topeule. Animism and dynamism are the background of all traditional ceremonies of the Kulawi people which are always accompanied by sacrificial ceremonies, either by killing animals or humans.
The form of sacrifice in the initiation series is blood, skin, and flesh from part of their body which is offered as a service to the spirits of the ancestors. That is the similarity that believes in the survival of the spirit after a human dies. One form of old belief that is very closely related to animism, and dynamism is shamanism.
That is the belief in shamans, as a medium that can bring good spirits, and expel evil spirits. All of that is carried out with the awareness of the magical religious mind, belief in beliefs & total devotion to community institutions, and manners of life in ancestral heritage groups. The healing ceremony is attended by the entire family of the sick person & the villagers, taking up to 3 days and 3 nights.
If the mother's pregnancy has reached 6 months, then a ceremony called halilibura is held. After the offerings are presented to the spirits of the ancestors, they are eaten together. Then followed by another ceremony if the pregnancy is 7 months old.
When the baby is born, its face must face east & it must be tried so that its feet do not touch the ground. After the baby is one day old, a ceremony is held to put the baby's feet on the ground. which is called mampopanau. The earlobe piercing ceremony for female children is carried out when the child is between 5 - 10 years old.
And when hunting/fighting through the wilderness, the burning sign will save you from the evil spirits that inhabit the jungle. This is done when the child has reached the age of 8 - 12 years. With the belief that gold will be a lamp for the spirit on its journey to the afterlife.
While the body is still in state, a special dance is held in the front yard of the funeral home which is intended to please the spirit of the deceased. According to belief, the sound of the gimba will tell the spirit of the deceased that there are relatives, handai Tolan who have come to pay their last respects. According to belief, the spirit of the deceased will not be sad if they receive entertainment, praise, and games.
According to belief, this is done so that the spirit of the deceased does not disturb the village women he knew during his lifetime. The shamans ring the ringing bell while reciting the mantram so that the spirit of the deceased does not get lost. According to belief, the torch fire is intended so that the spirit that is still in the grave is not cold.
If the deceased is a woman, the Montadi ceremony is held on the ninth day. Because the Montadi ceremony is a farewell ceremony for the spirit of the deceased, with the belief that after that the spirit has gone to the afterlife and will no longer be bound to the mortal world, then in the ceremony, as many victims as possible are presented. This tribe is a minority tribe in the province of Central Sulawesi who communicate using the Moma language and most of them have embraced Christianity since 1913.
Although now after acculturation thanks to communication with modern civilization developed by evangelists from the West, the characteristic nature of gemeinschaft is still experienced in everyday life.
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