Loinang's Animism

Contemporary research on decision-making is mostly rooted in the results of research conducted in the early 20th century, such as studies conducted by Foyett. Other examples of ascribed status are status as an Indonesian citizen, status as a Kubu person, status as a widow, status as an orphan, etc. The Saluan ethnic group is one of 12 ethnic groups in Central Sulawesi.

The Saluan / Loinang tribe lives in the Banggai district. When viewed from the number of villages / sub-districts, the sub-district with the largest number of villages is the Pagimana sub-district with 44 villages / sub-districts & the least number of villages is Luwuk Timur sub-district with 6 villages / sub-districts. Geographically, the area inhabited by the Saluan ethnic group is to the west with the Pamona & Bungku ethnic groups, while along the coast it is open to relations with other cultures, especially with the northern Maluku region which is dominated by the influence of the Islamic Kingdom of Ternate.

The existence of similarities and differences in cultural elements certainly shows a close relationship because of the historical background of the government since the time of the King, the Dutch East Indies, and the proclamation of the Republic of Indonesia. Because of the close geographical relationship between the two regions, until the 1950s more and more Gorontalo people came and settled in various corners of this area, and a large community naturally formed and mingled with local and other ethnic groups. Efforts to educate the community through formal education are required, especially for school ages 7-18 years.

The state universities in the region are Tompotika University & Muhammadiyah. For other universities, there are 2 private universities managed by the private sector, namely AMIK Nurmal & the Nursing Academy. The number of new students in the 2009/2010 academic year at all these universities was recorded at 3681 people, 1181 undergraduate students & 244 diploma students.

The excitement of the joint lighting event lasted for about 3 days, both carried out by children and adults. The increasing dominance of the population relies on craftsmen, so the biggest contribution shifts the element of mutual cooperation that has been preserved for so long by the ancestors of the Saluan tribe. The benefits of this data collection are an effort to preserve culture, document the work of ancestors & provide a source of information for the current generation.

According to the aspect of belief/religion, the Saluan people used to be adherents of animism. Beliefs inherited from their ancestors such as their belief in evil spirits, which are found in trees, rocks & large forests. They consider these spirits to always disturb & bring disaster to humans.

To avoid disaster, they often offer something in certain places so that evil spirits no longer come to disturb them. Then there is a place of worship for Buddhists in the Toili sub-district.


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