Besemah's Animism

The Pasemah tribe is one of the indigenous ethnic groups originating from the South Sumatra region which is related to the Malay & Komering tribes who have also lived in South Sumatra for hundreds of years. The word Pasemah comes from the Sriwijaya Kedatuan Army Foundation inscription discovered after the conquest of Lampung in 680 AD. The Palas Pasemah inscription states that this tribe has existed since before the 6th century AD.

This tribe generally lives around the active volcano area, Mount Dempo. The Pasemah tribe which is now most identified is the City of Pagar Alam, Lahat, Muara Enim & 4 Lawang. Their ancestor, Atung Bungsu, who went further inland, established himself in the fertile valley of Passumah.

In general, the story is about Atung Bungsu coming from the Majapahit Kingdom & having 2 children, Bujang Jawe & Riye Rekian. Until 1866 some people inhabited the difficult-to-reach hills to the southeast of Barisan Hill who never bowed their heads to their neighbors even though their tribe was larger. The practice of slavery among the community, robbery & looting and even kidnapping of women and children from other tribes around Basemah to be used as slaves is considered a matter of pride.

A form of tyranny that exceeds the actions of the jahiliyah of the Quraish tribe in the city of Mecca during the time of Muhammad. Evidence of the courage of the Pasemah people is shown by the introduction of Europeans, especially the Dutch, and British, to the Pasemah people, at first it was very a priori. More primitive/backward societies are really late in the process, but without further ado will move, along the same path, following more advanced societies, especially the most mature Western societies.

Animism, good/bad life is there waiting for certain places such as thickets, jungles, lembak, ulu tulung, wooden anchors, large rocks etc. The majority do not know God & many of them worship large statues to summon the spirits of their ancestors. The kingdom/world of the diwe is believed to be in high heaven, namely Bintang Puru.

From the time of the Companions to the time of the Khulafarasyin, the Umayyads, the Abbasids & the Ottoman Turks, this period experienced various kinds of conflicts, but the spread of Islam continued with various variations and updates. The spread of Islam has basically existed since 14 centuries ago, namely during the time of Muhammad & was an effort to spread the religion of Islam so that it would be accepted by society. The spread & development of Islam in Indonesia did not just appear.

According to a historical record from Sayid Naguib al Attas, the two places on the shores of the Strait of Malacca at the beginning of the 7th century AD, which became stopping places for Muslim travelers and were well received by local authorities, were Palembang and Kedah. The Perlak Kingdom was the first Islamic Kingdom in the archipelago. Furthermore, the Samudra Pasai Kingdom is located in Aceh & is located on the northeastern coast of Aceh.

Based on news from Ibnu Battuta, it is said that in 1267 the Islamic Kingdom was established, namely the Samudra Pasai Kingdom. Syech Nurqodim al Baharudin is the grandson of Sunan Gunung Jati from his eldest daughter Panembahan Ratu Cirebon who married Ratu Agung Empu Eyang Dade Abang. Little Syech Nurqodim al Baharudin, along with his three younger siblings, were educated with Islamic beliefs & morals by their parents at the Plang Kedidai Palace which is located on the edge of Tanjung Lematang.

According to one of his descendants who still exists today, TSH Kornawi Yacob Oemar, in a paper he stated that Syech Baharudin was the creator of the Semende tradition. Syech Baharudin wanted a daulah like Madinah al Munawarah during Muhammad's time. According to Bastari, he spread Islam through tadut which comes from the word tadut, which in Arabic means to convey.

His first child, Prince Seda Blimbing, was born in 1571. Then, Prince Arya Kidul was born in 1572. Meanwhile, Wali Songo in the period before the founding of the Bintoro Demak Kingdom had influence on the north coast of the island of Java.

During the deliberations, Sunan Giri wanted a kingdom to be formed by appointing Raden Fatah as king/sultan because the new country would not be invaded by the Majapahit army, considering that Raden Fatah was the son of the King of Majapahit and his two children also joined this kingdom. After the rapid development of Islam in the Kingdom, his descendant, Haji Umar, decided to look for traces of his ancestors, the place where Puyang Awak first set foot on the land of Besemah, namely in Pardipe village. This primary data source is data obtained from a direct source, namely the 11th lineage descendant of Sheikh Nurqodim al Baharuddin who is in Perdipe village.

Looking at the mid - 20th century to the present. After the death of Haji Umar, religious activities were no longer visible at the mosque of Mr. Sayid Haji Umar, and it was only used for recitation of the village children & only during Friday prayers, in contrast to when it was still led by Haji Umar, as conveyed by Malikus Wari, a traditional figure. Ex.


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