Ogoh - Ogoh

In Dutch records, at the beginning of the 19th century, the city of Palembang was called the Venice of the East/city of water, because more than 100 rivers & tributaries flowed in this city. The Palembang nation is thought to have been born in 683 AD. The so-called Old Malay & Young Malay groups arrived around 500 BC.

Before the arrival of religion in the archipelago, this community believed in spirits & supernatural powers which is now known as animism & dynamism. Animism & dynamism have the belief that all objects in this world have spirits that influence human life. This tribe was previously a fan of Ogoh-Ogoh.

This devotee is different from animism & devotees are actually protected in Law Number 29 of 1945. Tepung Tawar at a Palembang wedding symbolizes an antidote to all dangers / exorcising evil spirits that disturb the bridal couple. Bohari & Magiman's research also discusses the tradition of plain flour in 2020 with the title Symbols & Meaning of Traditional Rituals of Tepung Tawar in Sarawak Malay Community Marriages.

After that, Hinduism and Buddhism came which were brought from India so people who initially believed in animism and dynamism became followers of Hinduism. The word Hindu comes from the Greek, Hydros / Hidos, which means the name designated by a name to refer to the culture/religion that developed in the Sindhu River valley. The name Hinduism as a new religion began to be known in the 1st century and with the emergence of various schools of thought, then the religion began to develop until Hinduism became known as a religion.

The journey has a very long route, apart from that, Hinduism has a story, in the form of cosmology, the lives of the sages, ancient kingdoms & mythology, as well as epic epics. Various Kingdoms of the Archipelago, such as Kutai, Tarumanegara, Kota Kapur & Bali are dominated by Hindu religious teachings and their implementation systems follow the principles of Hindu religious teachings, but do not forget the teachings of their ancestors, such as the belief in animism & dynamism. In fact, the development of Hinduism is thought to have continued until the 11th - 12th century AD, which can be seen at the Bumiayu site, Muaraenim Regency.

The development of Hinduism accelerated after the collapse of the Singosari Kingdom, then the Majapahit Kingdom emerged in the 13th century AD. Hinduism was assimilated into Indonesian culture so that animist beliefs and dynamism continued to develop in people's lives. The implementation system of Hinduism follows the guiding principles of India, but the belief in ancestral spirits is still believed by the people of the archipelago. 

There are 7 inscriptions found in 3 areas, namely Bogor, Jakarta & Banten. From the form of the inscription, it can be seen that King Mahendravarman I was related to the Palla family which he found in Dalavanur. One of the yupa contains information that the reigning king was King Mulawarman, son of Aswawarman, grandson of Kudungga.

The information containing the contents of the yupa shows that the king who ruled was Raja Mulawarman, son of Aswawarman, grandson of Kudungga. The writing uses Pallava letters, which are thought to originate from around 400 AD, in Sanskrit in poetry form. The Kebon Kopi inscription was found in Muara Hilir Village, Cibungbulang.

Apart from that, the word utsadana is also connected, the point of which is in the second part which contains writing in the form of Pallava script & Sanskrit, explaining that part of the content is that there is a large river which is not too far from the Cisadane area. From all this news, it is explained that beliefs in the West Java area during the Tarumanegara era were very closely related to Vedic beliefs. In the end, the stamp was written using Buddhist mantras using Sanskrit.

From the explanation of the inscription above, it can be concluded that in the Tarumanegara Kingdom religions had developed, such as Buddhism, Hinduism & dirty religions. The term Hindunization must be used with caution because there is not only Hindu influence, but also the influence of Buddhism. Dance as a means of the ceremony is a medium for offering/worshipping supernatural powers which are widely used by people who believe in animism, dynamism & totemism which are presented in this sacred ceremony to achieve salvation/happiness.

This use teaches Buddhism & indirectly the Tanggai Dance is also taught because the Tanggai Dance functions as a dance offering to Buddhist religious beliefs. The function of dance as a means of the ceremony is a medium for offering/worshipping supernatural powers which are widely used by people who believe in animism, dynamism & totemism which are presented in this sacred ceremony to achieve salvation/happiness. If people no longer carry out traditions, these traditions will slowly disappear until the next generation does not know about the traditions of their ancestors.

In line with his desire to harmonize the Shari'a with Sufism, Abdus Shamad al Palimbani reminded the public not to be led astray by various ideologies that deviate from Islam, such as animism & dynamism and Sufism teachings that ignore the Shari'a. Along with his desire to harmonize the Shari'a with Sufism, he reminded the public not to be led astray by various ideas that deviate from Islam, such as animism & dynamism and Sufism teachings which ignore the Shari'a.


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