Palembang's Animism

The Malay community from South Sumatra such as Palembang can be found significantly because the South Sumatra & Lampung areas are close together and have direct borders, they have also migrated to Lampung province for a long time. In 2021, the bari house as a traditional tribal house was officially recognized as one of the intangible cultural heritages in architectural aspects by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. The concept of slametan is rooted in original Javanese culture, namely starting with the belief in animism & dynamism which is basically the belief of the ancestors and is then revived & enriched by Hindu and Buddhist culture which believes in the existence of Gods in the form of objects and natural events.

The function of dance as a means of the slametan ceremony is a medium for offering/worshipping supernatural powers widely used by people who believe in animism, dynamism & totemism presented in this sacred ceremony to achieve salvation/happiness. This use teaches Buddhism and indirectly the Tanggai dance is also taught, because the Tanggai dance functions as a dance offering to Buddhist beliefs. Waliyullah in Arabic means lover of Allah, a title given to the spreaders of Islam in this tribe.

Along with their desire to harmonize the Shari'a with Sufism, they remind the public not to be led astray by various ideas that deviate from Islam, such as animism & dynamism, and Sufism teachings that ignore the Shari'a. Along with their desire to harmonize the Shari'a with Sufism, they remind the public not to be led astray by various ideas that deviate from Islam, such as animism & dynamism and Sufism teachings which ignore the Shari'a. Thus, in a simple formulation, the contact between Islamic law and custom during the time of the Nusantara Sultanate can be stated that in essence Islamic law in the archipelago is a legal norm that originates from Islamic teachings that grew & developed in the lives of the people of the archipelago.


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