Banjar's Animism

In fact, several genetic studies in modern times indicate that the ancestors of the Malagasy ethnic group in the western region of Madagascar and several other ethnic groups in eastern Africa are descendants of the Dayak diaspora who came from the Banjar area in southern Kalimantan. Experts divide the form of primitive beliefs into several parts, namely, dynamism, animism, fetishism, and totemism. Animism is a belief that assumes that everything in nature has a soul.

Animism is a belief system based on various spirits/souls and spirits around human habitation. The term animism means the belief that everything that exists must be alive. For example, trees, valleys, mountains, rivers, hills, the moon, and animals all have inhabitants. In the above case regarding animism, animism is a belief in spirits that are not visible to humans with the naked eye.

Awareness and belief of society in the existence of supernatural powers/spirits that exist in objects, so that these objects are used as a means to fortify themselves. Thus, this understanding is a belief that all objects in nature have souls/spirits. From this understanding, the belief was formed that everything that comes from nature, with the help of science/by chance because of the influence of spirits can bring happiness, and gain benefits, either in the form of fulfilled desires, or cured diseases, but can also harm enemies.

Some spirits can disturb humans & some cannot disturb. The spirits of spirits return to the community that has power & will and can feel happy and angry, if he feels angry then he can harm humans. Believe that the spirit gives glory & benefits to human life because that is why the spirit is glorified.

For example, worshiping a banyan tree because they believe that the banyan tree has a spirit & can help them with what they want. In the anthropology dictionary, it is explained that a talisman is an inanimate or living object, artificial/natural considered sacred & has supernatural powers according to Javanese beliefs, in addition to the place where supernatural powers reside / as a symbol and place where spirits reside. Places that are often used for the dwelling of this spirit are mountains, large trees & places that are considered quiet.

The supernatural power/spirit will be beneficial for the family, tribe/nation. Amulets / efficacious objects can also be called fetishism, namely a belief that there are man-made objects that are filled with supernatural power / filled with spirits of spirits. Masrudi claims to be a descendant of the King of the Dipa Kingdom in Amuntai because a supernatural figure named Prince Kacil once met him by giving him a laung made of sarigading cloth.

This object is always stored in a cupboard & is dissected / ukup once a year. He also went to school using the basal belonging to soldiers who had fought in Irian Jaya. He said that later when his child was 6 months old, he would make a bracelet from terengling skin so that his neck would not be balancat & not baliyuran.

In fact, it often increases the recognition that animals are his ancestors. The totem in its development provides an understanding of the existence of a kind of human protective spirit in the form of an animal. Both have the same understanding that there are symptoms in primitive people about attitudes towards totems that determine fate & this is a kind of guardian spirit and protector of humans in the form of a banatang.

Initially, the mantra emerged from animist beliefs. Madihin comes from Arabic, namely madah which means praise. Syamah explained that every Friday night she provides bitter & sweet coffee as well as jasmine & kenanga flowers in her house because it is a tradition from the descendants of the great temple.

Kurni said that when she was 17 years old she had an allergy that could not be cured with medical treatment, several times she went to the paramedic but it did not get better & using potions did not work, someone suggested that she wear a sarigading sarong. After 7 days of wearing a sarigading sarong, it still did not get better, even though all the provisions for using this cloth had been met such as being ukup / being blind. She used rukiah therapy & was injected into both of her legs, with God's permission she was cured of the disease after 3 days of rukiah therapy and injection.

This is inseparable from strong fanaticism towards ancestral instincts & the emergence of attitudes that are all mystical and magical and are considered appropriate solutions in facing life's problems.


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