
Saluan's Animism

The Banggai tribe has similarities in language, culture, and tradition with the Saluan & Balantak tribes who inhabit the Banggai district. The name Saluan is one of the three children of the King who ruled long ago, this Saluan is the youngest child of the King. The original Saluan people are the Loinang people which means mountain people. The 2015 population census estimated the Saluan population at approximately 200,000. Contemporary research in decision-making is mostly rooted in the results of research conducted in the early 20th century, such as studies conducted by Foyett. Other examples of ascribed status are status as Indonesian citizens, Kubu people, widows, orphans, etc.

Sea - Sea's Animism

The Banggai tribe is divided into 2: the Sea-Sea tribe who live in the mountains & the Banggai tribe who live on the coast. This animist theory has recently received extensive criticism from the latest scholarship on religious studies & anthropology because of its essentialist nature and the bias of the modern paradigm. The originator of ​​animism was Edward B Tylor, who is often referred to as the father of cultural anthropology & continued by James G Frazer. The book Primitive Culture was written 12 years after the publication of On the Origin of Species. Darwin's work helped shape the spirit of the era of scholarship in the second half of the 19th century which tended to want to explain the origin of everything in an evolutionist paradigm. Animism for him is a primitive form & is the foundation of all religions. Just like Tylor, primitive animist societies initially grappled with questions of life & death. Among the examples of myths cited by Frazer are the b...