

As proof, in the Bobo area to Bangga, many corals and coastal / seagrasses are found. The shape of the city of Pitunggota / Patanggota is based on the vast area of ​​the Kingdom which has many representatives of soki from several corners. However, most of the Kings fought against the Dutch army, they fought & were not willing to be colonized by the Dutch. Judging from the shape of the face, some of the Daa tribe resemble Papuans, who are among the early migration groups from the African continent. However, social services have moved some Daa people to the lowlands since the 1970s. The Daa tribe began to be settled by the Social Service in the lowlands around 1986, settlements in this permanent village were carried out on the grounds of reducing shifting agricultural activities that had the potential to reduce the area of ​​protected forests. The dryland rice planting cycle is once a year for harvest. Before the entry of religion into the Kaili land, the Kaili tribe still adhered to...

Pamona's Animism

Pamona also refers to the unity of several ethnicities, an abbreviation of pakaroso mosintuwu naka molanto. Then, Pamona became an ethnic group united under the Dutch colonial government. The name Pamona was declared in Tentena & even a commemoration of the declaration was immortalized as a monument with the name Watu mpogaa as a reminder of the origin and also named a street with the name Pamona. The predecessors of the Pamona tribe came from the land of Salu Moge because they came from the central government which was eventually subdued by Macoa Bawalipu from Wotu, East Luwu district to be closer to the central government, which was at that time in Mangkutana, East Luwu. This situation lasted until the Darul Islam rebellion which caused them to spread to Central Sulawesi & other areas. The mother tongue used by the Rampi community is Kaili & Pamona, a language from the same family as the Kaili and Pamona tribes, this language is spoken by around 8000 people in the Rampi d...