
As proof, in the Bobo area to Bangga, many corals and coastal / seagrasses are found. The shape of the city of Pitunggota / Patanggota is based on the vast area of ​​the Kingdom which has many representatives of soki from several corners. However, most of the Kings fought against the Dutch army, they fought & were not willing to be colonized by the Dutch.

Judging from the shape of the face, some of the Daa tribe resemble Papuans, who are among the early migration groups from the African continent. However, social services have moved some Daa people to the lowlands since the 1970s. The Daa tribe began to be settled by the Social Service in the lowlands around 1986, settlements in this permanent village were carried out on the grounds of reducing shifting agricultural activities that had the potential to reduce the area of ​​protected forests.

The dryland rice planting cycle is once a year for harvest. Before the entry of religion into the Kaili land, the Kaili tribe still adhered to animism, worship of ancestral spirits & the Creator God, the Fertility God, and the Healing God. In general, the Kaili tribe still adheres to animism, they believe in the existence of spirits that inhabit places such as mountains, rivers, seas, trees, etc.

In the past, the Daa tribe followed animism, namely believing in the existence of spirits. In their tradition, if one of their citizens dies, they will move from the village to avoid being disturbed by the spirit of the deceased. Even though they already know religion, this animist element is still strong among this tribe.

Datuk Karama / Syekh Abdullah Raqie Tak returned to Minangkabau. The tomb of Syekh Abdullah Raqie / Datuk Karama later became the Dato Karama Tomb Complex & contains the tomb of his wife Intje Dille and 2 children named Intje Dongko & Saribanu as well as the tombs of his loyal followers consisting of 9 male tombs, 11 female tombs & 2 tombs that have no information on their tombstones.


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