Gayo's Animism

The second largest tribe is the Gayo tribe who inhabit the Gayo Highlands region. They speak Gayo. This language belongs to a language group called the Northwest Sumatra Barrier Islands of the Austronesian language family.

This language in Lokop is slightly different from the Gayo language in Gayo Kalul, Gayo Lut, Linge & Gayo Lues. Some of the famous dances from this ethnicity are Saman, Bines, Didong, Guel & Munalu. Even though the majority of Gayo people do not include their surname, there is still a small number who do, especially those who live in the Bebesen area.

Until now it is still maintained & respected by the residents. Many tourists visit here and make the crafts produced by this community as souvenirs when they visit. This society is an integral part of the Indonesian nation.

This young generation must now be grateful to God & grateful to their predecessors, because their predecessors/ancestors have taken the trouble to carve out and pioneer their long history, some of them have been able to write & tell the history of this ethnic group from generation to generation. This statement is a story that has been passed down from generation to generation from mouth to mouth / from mouth to ear, sometimes this story may be true and may be false, but this is historical data that is very important for today's young generation in knowing the historical existence of this ethnic group in the archipelago. In fact, origin & beginning have almost the same meaning, however, it is explained that origin exists first then the beginning appears, for example, Tengku Rejewali was born in Kebayakan, then he moved to Kampung Bintang, then Kebayakan village the origin, while Kampung Bintang is the beginning.

The King at Sebayak Lingga Karo is not documented. In the Dutch era, the king was appointed again, but only for 2 eras. The oldest was a woman named Empu Beru / Datu Beru, the others were Sebayak Lingga, Meurah Johan & Meurah Lingga.

Meurah Silu migrated to the Pasai area & became an employee of the Daya Sultanate in Pasai. Centuries later they moved inland along existing rivers, including the Jambu Ayee River. Some then settled in the Hulu Peurelak River, namely the Serbejadi people, and some settled in the Hulu Sungai Tamiang, namely the Gayo Kalul people.

Another group followed the Pesangan River to its upstream at Lake Laut Tawar, where it remains today. The neighboring island is called Serule. Based on history, they have actually been around since pre-Islam, according to C Snouck Hurgronje's statement in his book Het Gajoland en Zijne Beworners, explaining that at that time they were still dynamically known as Gayo.

Another version says that the origin of this tribe comes from China, as stated by Geniri, a historian who connects this tribe with the name dagroian of Marco Polo & he believes that the word is an abbreviation of dranggayu which with the initial da means people and gayu which means Gayo. In fact, Geniri said that Nadur in the Chinese news is Gayo country. They settled on the East Coast of Aceh & along the Jambo Aye River, Perlak River & Seruwe Kuala Simpang, fishing, farming, and hunting, they believed in animism.


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