Serba Sukma

The Melayu Deli area is close to Singapore which is famous as a trade center. This mountain range reaches the Sunda Strait region. The Kembaren clan then founded a kingdom known as the Balun Aru Kingdom in 1200 - 1608 AD.

In the Kembaren Library, the Kembaren clan is said to originate from Pagaruyung in Minangkabau Land. Aru had a slave market called Arqat. In his report, Tome Pires also described the greatness of the Aru Kingdom's naval fleet which was able to control ship traffic through the Malacca Strait at that time.

Groeneveldt emphasized that the location of the Aru Kingdom was approximately at the mouth of the Barumun River & Gilles stated that it was near Belawan. Although the detailed existence of the Aru Kingdom has not been fully revealed, Luckman Sinar in the book Sari Sejarah Serdang notes that the name Aru first appeared in 1282 in Chinese records during the leadership of Kublai Khan. In 1350, the Hindu-style Majapahit Kingdom conquered this kingdom.

According to Perret, the name Aru appeared again in 1413 in Chinese records with the name A Lu as an incense producer. A year later Aru was visited by Admiral Cheng Ho's fleet. A Fei Sin chronicler stated that in 1436, Aru, which was located in front of Island 9, had a strategic location with good winds for sailing ships to navigate.

Aru's relationship with Bintan was better than before & Sultan Mahmud Syah married his daughter to the King of Aru, Sultan Husain. At the end of the 16th century, the name Aru Kingdom was replaced by the name Ghuri Kingdom. Archaeological remains linked to the Aru Kingdom have been discovered in Kota Cina & Rantang.

After this kingdom was taken over by Gocah Pahlawan, to strengthen his friendship he married Datuk Hitam's sister, the head of the Sunggal tribe, named Nang Buluan binti Raja Lalang in 1632 and changed its name to Deli. He also led the conquest of the Pahang Kingdom on the Malay Peninsula in 1617. Tuanku Panglima Perunggit, the second King of Deli, died in 1698 and was given the title Marhum Kesawan.

What needs to be noted about Tuanku Panglima Padrap, the third King of Deli who had 4 sons, is that he moved the center of the Kingdom, to the current Brayan Island area. A son of Sultan Mahmud Al Rasyid Perkasa Alamsyah, the eighth King of Deli was Makmun Al Rasyid. His two daughters are Tengku Fatimah & Tengku Zubaidah.

Then the dark ages emerged in Malay culture, namely with the arrival of colonialists, especially from Europe, to initially control the spice trade, then land, agriculture & finally accompanied by colonization through the power of sea and land warfare forces. Then they resolved it through the 1824 London Treaty.

Sultan Makmun Al Rasyid Perkasa Alamsyah, the ninth King of Deli, who was crowned at a young age, ruled from 1873 - 1924. When His Majesty the late father died, at that age he was young, that is, not yet a teenager, and ascended the throne. He built the Palace in Kampung Bahari on Thursday at 12 o'clock, the 12th of Shaban 1304 H, coinciding with 1886 AD.

At that time, a kenduri banquet was held at the Masun Throne assembly, with all the zuriat & big people, as well as the ulama kadhi, celebrating & reciting their respective prayers. In connection with the creation of this infrastructure, the Sultan, traders, Dutch government officials & everyone except the fishermen began to move inland along the highways/railways, especially new towns. Also the blessing of Sri Paduka Yang Dipertuan Besar, Governor General of the Dutch East Indies with his tsahifah besluit which was written on 22-2-1893.

For example, transfers, from Tanjung Pura to Binjai, from Rantau Panjang to Lubuk Pakam, etc. Meanwhile, the Mandailing & Angkola tribes moved to Kualuh, Kota Pinang, Panai, and Bilah. Daulat Yang Mahamulia Tuanku Sultan Amaludin Sani Perkasa Alamsyah, the tenth King of Deli, was born on the night of Wednesday 32 Syafar 1294 AH, 1876 AD.

The Very Noble Tengku Harun Al Rasyid is 1 father & 1 mother with Amaludin. His wife, the Very Noble Tengku Nurliah was granted by the ninth King of Deli, the glorious title of Tengku Puan Tengah. Tengku Perdana Mantri & his wife were blessed by God Rabbul Alamin with a daughter and a son named Tengku Munajat & Tengku Danial.

Together with his wife, His Excellency's son, Tengku Einol Al Rasyid, also died. In 1911, His Excellency Tengku Hafaz started working as Tuan Kecil's assistant in the garden. On 15 - 10 - 1932, the tenth King of Deli became Sultan's representative in Negri Bedagai, replacing his older brother the late Tengku Zainal Rasyid Pangeran Nara Kelana, Raja Negri Bedagai, Wazir Negri Deli, who had passed away to Rahmatullah on Wednesday, 11 Jumadilakhir 1351 to coincide with 12 - 10 - 1932 AD.

Then His Majesty Raja Hasyim, in 1920 he entered Middelbare Landsbouwschool in Buitenzorg. In 1933, the tenth King of Deli was appointed as his representative in Padang State. His Excellency Tengku Sambun was born on Sunday, 23 Shawwal 1303 Hijrah to coincide with 1885 AD.

Because of his craftsmanship and taamal quality, he was awarded the ninth King of Deli with the title of Jaya Pahlawan Sungai Tuan, with a letter of cendra dated in April 1915 AD to coincide with 1333 H. On 1 - 7 - 1929 AD, coinciding with 1347 Hijrah, with a decree The tenth King of Deli was entrusted with the work of the Percut Vocational School until 30 - 6 - 1937 AD, coinciding with 1356 Hijrah. After 6 years of being the tenth King of Deli holding the title Tengku Besar, his father tried to make him his wife.

This is how the tenth King of Deli married Incek Mariyam, namely Incek Negara Bonda Tengku Amirudin, His Highness Tengku Pengeran Bandahara & Mother of His Highness Tengku Aizah and a daughter who died at a young age. His Excellency Tengku Izidin was his sixth son. His Excellency Tengku Amirudin is another son who was born on 5 Muharram 1323 coinciding with 12 - 3 - 1905, Sunday at 7 am East Sumatra time.

When he reached class V at this school, he was also transferred to Eerste Europeesche School until class VII. Then he entered Muloschool Batavia. After that, he continued his journey to Paris, where at that time the Colonial Tentoonstelling event was being held that country.

When the Most Blessed and Most Prioritized Tuan Besar Gouverneur departed again, he was accompanied by the son of YMM Tuanku Sultan, the noble representative of the Kingdom in Bedagai. The Honorable Wan Haji Abdul Kadir, deputy vocational representative of Patumbah & the Honorable Datuq Ahmad Kamil Sri Indera Asmara, vizier of Sukapiring, until they arrived at the Sukamulia Palace. In May 1936 he was given the opportunity to go to Hong Kong, Shanghai & Manila.

Likewise Incik Meriam & Incik Ganda, Bonda YMM Tuanku Sultan and Incik Puan & Aja Siti Kamaliah, his wife. Sultan Otteman Al Sani Perkasa Alamsyah was the eldest son of the tenth King of Deli who became the eleventh ruler of the Kingdom & customs of Negri Deli from 1945 - 1967. His bond was the Most High Tengku Mahsuri Maheran bint YMM Tuanku Sultan Abdullah of the State of Perak.

When this Most Noble One was 11 years old, his father made an effort. After this, he went down to Balai Punca Persada, accompanied by all the big men and the King's children, he would inaugurate the title to all the servants of the people, and the leftist envoy called on them and told them to worship him. Mustaid of that, His Royal Highness Tengku Mahkota went up to the palace, immediately went into changing clothes & went accompanied by all the big people and the King's children to the Al Mansun Mosque to pray Zuhr & make a pilgrimage to the grave of his late Atukanda, the eighth King of Deli.

So with the grace of God Malikul Manan, he & the Most Noble Tengku Puan Indra were blessed with 5 children, namely His Highness Tengku Maheran, Tengku Nuzli, Tengku Zelmi, Tengku Mulfi & Tengku Fauzi. In the evening various games are played for up to 7 nights. Because he accompanied his father to attend the ceremonial assembly celebrating Sri Majesty Maharani's birthday in Betawi.

From the marriage of Sultan Otteman Mahmud Perkasa Alam, the thirteenth King of Deli, with Ir Hj Siska Marastar, he had 2 children, namely Tengku Aria Lamanjiji & Tengku Zulkarnain Otteman Mangendar Alam. Civilization itself originally came from the French. Until 1732, this word referred to legal proceedings. 

At the end of the 18th century, this term had a broader meaning not only as law but also as the most advanced stage of society. According to the Greeks, a society that does not have a city is an uncivilized society, lacking civility. Schwetzer, a German philosopher who won the 1954 Nobel Peace Prize, defined civilization as the overall progress made by humans in every activity & idea, which leads to the spiritual perfection of individuals and communities.

The most prominent civilization of the legacy of the Malay Sultanate of Deli is the Sri Indera Ratu art group led by Tengku Sitta Syaritsa. The name Sri Indera Ratu is still closely related to Sri Indian Ratu historically. She was born & spent her childhood in the Serdang Sultanate Palace, until as a child she still had time to study and see the development of Sri Indian Ratu & this is what ultimately influenced her in creating the name Sri Indera Ratu.

This studio is in her family's residence. She only experienced life in the Palace for a few years, because during the social revolution during President Soekarno's reign, the Galuh Serdang City Palace was burned down until nothing remained. She and her family were even taken prisoner and rushed to the Pematang Siantar area.

Maimun Palace is one of the surviving cultural heritages of Melayu Deli ancestors, which is located in Aur Village, Medan Baru District, Medan City. In other words, from a legal perspective, it needs & must be protected, maintained, and preserved because it is more than 50 years old so that it can be passed on to the nation's future generations. That the existence of this Kingdom needs to be maintained & preserved in the country's political system which is based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.

Before the arrival of Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism & indigenous beliefs based on animism and dynamism had taken root among society. They know spirits like gnomes, including their origin, residence, and will. Mambang Laut consists of 8 rulers & living in 8 cardinal directions, namely Mayang Mengurai, Laksemana, Mambang Tali Arus, Mambang Jeruju, Katimanah, Panglima Merah, Datuk Panglima Hitam and Baburrahman in Baburrahim.

The pre-Islamic period consisted of animism, Hinduism & Buddhism. Animistic music consists of Dedeng Ambil Madu Lebah, the Calling the Wind song / Sinandong Nelayan, the Lukah Menari song & the Puaka song. People who adhere to animist religious systems / other religions who convert to Islam are considered Malays.

These traces of animism still exist today, even though the Malay community has embraced Islam, including ceremonies/requirements when starting to build a house, amulets & healing through shamans. After leaving Serba Sukma, not all of these customary changes can be implemented in line with the teachings of the Islamic religion. Of course there are some parts of the old customs that continue to be used and lived in daily habits because these customs have been a habit for hundreds of years in life. 

Malay families before Islam entered this area. The problem that occurs among the people who support the Melayu Deli spell is that there is conflict, namely that there are parties who consider this spell to be an act of sirik, while other parties consider it to be an ancestral heritage that needs to be preserved. These spells show a process of shift & change, modification of religious discourse, and social actions that influence cultural constructs, from animism - dynamism, Hinduism - Buddhism to local Islamic traditions. 

The transformation in this case is that the mantra/incantation texts which originally originated from animism - dynamism & Hinduism - Buddhism, shifted to become heavily influenced by Islam. The existence of this spell shows the dominant element of animism-dynamism, the attachment of the words kun fayakun, lailahailallah, and Muhammadarrasulullah as elements of Islam seems to disappear when it ends with the words pua - pua ada. This is because in ancient society, spells were a form of their beliefs which were still animistic & dynamistic. 

Thus, the concept of this spell is very strong with elements of syncretism, namely the mixing of elements of animism, Hinduism, Buddhism & Islam. This term can refer to an effort to combine & make an analogy of several characteristics of tradition, especially in religious theology and mythology & thereby emphasizing a unified approach that underlies/makes it possible to be inclusive of other religions. The conclusion of this paragraph is that Melayu Deli spells are influenced by animism - dynamism, Hinduism - Buddhism & Islam. 

Even in the past the Malay community before the Islamic faith believed in the Serba Sukma ideology. The distribution of inherited assets is applied to the heirs of the heir openly when the testator dies, but the distribution of inherited assets in the Malay community in Medan Maimun Subdistrict, Aur Village is distributed to their heirs according to the customs/customs of the ancestral ancestors which are still carried out to this day. There are 0% who do not think that the distribution of inheritance before 40 days is carried out on nigahari & nujuhhari, 60% are of the opinion that the heir's inheritance is distributed after the completion of the 40-day kenduri event and 40% is distributed to the heirs after 100 days after the kenduri event is completed at the latest. 

And no later than 1000 days, distributed to the heirs after sale. But from another angle, the Karo people themselves are more inclined to use the provisions of the Supreme Court no. 179 K / Sip / 1961 in defending their rights / in dividing inheritance, which we can see in the number of cases that go to court regarding inheritance issues. A culture owned by a society has cultural values ​​& norms obtained through the inheritance of their ancestors & can also be through socio-cultural contact with other humans. 

Based on the results of a document study conducted at the Bandar Khalifah Village Head's Office, data was obtained that the village has 17 hamlets & is very densely populated. The rest are Christians & Buddhists. The customs of a culture influence all activities in carrying out a wedding, especially if each region upholds the customs of its ancestors. 

The word marriage comes from Arabic which means marriage. The ideal marriage age for women is 21 - 25 years while for men 25 - 28 years. The wedding activity lasted about 1 hour. 

Usually, the marhaban is held 3 days after the wedding is held. This activity was conveyed when Muhammad was welcomed by the people of Medina when Muhammad emigrated from the city of Mecca to the city of Medina. The abangan group is presented as a group that consistently maintains local beliefs that have been a tradition since the ancestors of the Javanese people, animism. 

Meanwhile, the priyayi group represents a mystical tradition that is believed to be a legacy of Hinduism and Buddhism before Islam. Malay culture has several stages of development starting from the cultural development stages of the animist, Hindu-Buddhist, Islamic & Portuguese periods. Some experts think that the extinction of Malay culture is caused by the community's norms & ethics regarding the customs inherited from their ancestors being threatened by a material lifestyle - indulgence. 

With the existence of material-oriented trade & less concern about the authenticity of Malay culture, the value of ancestors has decreased. Since the time of animism there have been a number of Malay customs, for example eating betel. If for some Malays, ethnicity has been incorporated into Islamic beliefs, it is not surprising that some Malays dispute traditional offerings that contain animistic elements and non-Islamic values. 

Before Hinduism came, the Malay people's beliefs were animistic & dynamistic. Melayu Deli animist practices in Malaysia are still active & practiced openly/closely depending on the type of animist ritual performed. Historically, before the arrival & spread of Islam in the 15th century and the spread of Christianity in the 19th century, the population in this country was probably Hindu / animist. 

Some forms of animist beliefs are not recognized by the government as religions for statistical purposes although the practice is not prohibited. There are various types of animism practiced throughout Malaysia. Mak Yong, Main Teri & Menora Dance still have many elements of ancient religion and Malay animism, especially Main Teri. 

This theater appeared in the Kelantan, Trengganu, Kedah, Riau & Patani areas. Most animists Orang Asli believe in spirits residing in certain objects. Chinese - Malaysian people generally practice traditional Chinese beliefs which are also animist in nature. 

Likewise, in East Malaysia, animism was widespread before the arrival of Christian missionaries from Europe. In East Malaysia, animism is also practiced by decreasing numbers of various Kalimantan tribal groups. In English, in means no, while divided means sharing. 

Two large plantations in Tawau, namely the Kuhara plantation which cultivates rubber & also bananas, and the Kabota plantation for coconut plants, were the main catalysts for the migration of foreign workers that occurred before Sabah became independent. This happened because of the series of wars that occurred in South Sulawesi. Therefore, before Islam entered Kampung Batu 4, the Bugis community in Kampung Batu 4 still adhered to ancestral beliefs, namely animism & dynamism. 

Similarities in art, customs & ancestors are characteristics of an ethnic group. Islamic da'wah continues in areas, especially those that still adhere to animism & dynamism in the archipelago. Likewise with Muhammadiyah which was founded by KH Ahmad Dahlan in Yogyakarta. 

Likewise the political pull & friction between the Western World and Myanmar, which more or less involves nations in Southeast Asia. One by one, the members of the Warsaw Pact changed their countries to no longer be communist. Also in Russia, namely in the Chechnya region. 

This is caused by Israel's arbitrary occupation of Palestinian land. For further reading, kindly check these out. Clifford Geertz was born in San Francisco, California in 1926 & died on 31 - 10 - 2006 at the age of 80 years. 

After completing high school, he studied philosophy and received a B.A. in 1950 from Antioch College in Ohio. Next, he continued his anthropology studies at Harvard University, where he was required to do a lot of fieldwork as a basis for his scientific construction. Goldwin Smith, who at that time served as President of the American Historical Association, also stated that history was viewed as a science. 

The function of theory in the discipline of history, as stated in the SSRC in New York in a Historiography Committee report, is the same as in other disciplines, namely to identify the problem to be researched, develop categories to organize hypotheses & through this process various kinds of interpretation of data can be interpreted. Tested, and shows the measurements/criteria that are used as a basis for proving something. Anthropology began to reach its concrete form after more than 60 experts from various European countries met to hold a symposium in 1951.

Formal historical methodology/philosophy, which according to Bauer's concept/is called critical historical philosophy, interests Nash, a professor of philosophy at Western Kentucky University. This cultural clash theory was presented in lectures in the 1990s and the results of his thoughts were recorded under the title The Clash of Civilization & the Remaking of World Order.


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