Meranjat's Animism

Other tribes from South Sumatra include all tribes from South Sumatra such as the Meranjat tribe. Based on sources obtained by the author from interviews with Pedamaran village officials. Originally the place where they lived was called Talang Lindung Bunyian.

At that time, the population concerned adhered to animist beliefs & some others were Buddhists. In Sekampung, Kholik Hamirullah was married to Rio Minak Usang Sekampung's son & appointed Rio with the title Ario Damar, based in a place called Desa Baru. His arrival was due to the religious living conditions of the community which were still influenced by the beliefs of their ancestors and the influence of Hindu-Buddhist teachings.

According to sources obtained, during the reign of Queen Sinuhun Ning Sakti, the Islamic religion developed rapidly, spreading from Palembang to Jambi, Bengkulu, Riau, and mainland to the Malay peninsula. The Muhammadiyah organization is one of the largest Islamic social organizations in Indonesia. This Muhammadiyah organization / Muhammadiyah association was founded by KH Ahmad Dahlan in Yogyakarta on 18 - 11 - 1912 Miladiyah in Kauman Village, Yogyakarta, coinciding with 18 Zulhijjah in 1330 H.

The background to the establishment of the Muhammadiyah branch in Tanjung Laut Village, Tanjung Batu District, Ogan Ilir Regency in 1981 was due to the conditions of religious life in the community which were still influenced by the beliefs of their ancestors and the influence of Hindu-Buddhist teachings. Dutch colonialism has involved the decline of Muslims, especially in the social, political & educational fields. On the one hand, the founders of the West are increasingly advanced, while on the other hand, Islamic education in Islamic boarding schools is increasingly declining due to inadequate facilities and infrastructure.

From the opinion above, it can be concluded that the background to the entry of Muhammadiyah in Tanjung Laut Village, Tanjung Batu District is due to the religious living conditions of the community which are still influenced by ancestral beliefs and the influence of Hindu-Buddhist teachings.


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