Saling's Animism

Other tribes from South Sumatra include all tribes from South Sumatra such as the Saling tribe. Anima refers to breath, spirit & life. Animism applies personhood & agency to non-human beings.

Although animism is practiced differently in many cultures around the world, in general, animism can be described as a common belief in spiritual beings. Animism is often described as a primitive belief in spirits. However, the fact is that animism has developed along with & in many religions in the world until it has been incorporated into modern practice.

The understanding of dynamism animism is part of the beliefs of people who are not yet familiar with divine religion that originates from revelation. This belief arises from the instincts of the people themselves who link belief in spirits and sacred objects with the natural & social phenomena they witness. However, even though they both developed in prehistoric societies, dynamic animist beliefs have several differences in terms of definition, characteristics & rituals.

Before delving further into the differences between dynamic animism, we must first understand the definitions of these two ancient beliefs. The term animism comes from the Latin anima which means spirit and ism which means belief/belief system. In this way, animism can be interpreted as a belief in supernatural spirits/creatures.

Their animism is often associated with natural events. Animist communities believe that natural phenomena such as rain and lightning and natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions are caused by the actions of supernatural beings/spirits. They also believe in the existence of spirits who guard places that are considered sacred, such as caves or large, dense banyan trees.

With the development of animist beliefs, people in the past considered spirits to be something that should be worshiped and respected. The term dynamism comes from the word dunamos from Greek which was absorbed as dynamic into English. Dynamic animism is not only different in meaning but also in terms of the characteristics of the people who believe in it.

The belief in animist dynamism is an ideology that arises as a result of its adherents' belief in other forces that are considered greater than themselves as humans. A series of dynamistic animist rituals & cultures developed among traditional societies that adhered to these two beliefs. The following are several examples of the practice of animism & dynamism carried out in society.

With the development of animist beliefs, people in the past considered spirits to be something that should be worshiped & respected. The term dynamism comes from the word dunamos from Greek which was absorbed as dynamic into English. Dynamic animism is not only different in meaning but also in terms of the characteristics of the people who believe in it.

The belief in animist dynamism is an ideology that arises as a result of its adherents' belief in other powers that are considered greater than themselves as humans. A series of dynamistic animist rituals & cultures developed among traditional societies that adhered to these two beliefs. The following are several examples of the practice of animism & dynamism carried out in society.

With belief in the existence of spirits and supernatural beings, animist communities believe that every person who dies will continue their life as a spirit. Apart from being a provision for those who have just died, burial with these objects is also intended as an offering to honor the spirits and souls of ancestors who have previously passed away. One example of animism can be seen in the Saling tribe.

For example, in the belief system of this indigenous tribe, Serelo, a hill in the Lahat district, is seen as an older ancestor/embodiment of the human thumb. This community in Kota Raya Lembak & Pajar Bulan District believes that spirits inhabit Rumah Batu. And it's not only adherents of indigenous religions who believe in animism, even adherents of monotheistic religions, such as Christianity & Islam, believe in the human soul, spirit, and afterlife.

During the ritual procession at Batu Macan, for example, the Saling tribe can both give offerings. That is an explanation of the beliefs of this tribe which were part of traditional community life in the past.


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