Jambi's Animism

Long after the Ice Age, the Mongoloid race spread to the south of the Asian continent and even reached the American continent through the Bering Strait. Those who spread to Asia were then known as the Malay deutro people in Indonesia who developed metal & bronze culture. The name of one of the countries they live in, Jambi, is often mentioned in Chinese inscriptions and news.

The oldest news about the Jambi Kingdom comes from Tang Hui Yao which was compiled by Wang Pu in 961 AD, during the reign of the Tang & Hsin Tang Shu dynasty which was compiled in the early 7th century AD during the reign of the Sung dynasty. The king, Srimat Tribhuwanaraja Mauli Warmadewa, married Puti Reno Mandi. One of his children, Dara Jingga, later married Kertanegara's envoy, Mahesa Anabrang & gave birth to Adityawarman.

When Kertanegara's envoys returned to Java, they found that the Singasari Kingdom had been destroyed due to attacks from Kublai Khan from the Yuan Dynasty, assisted by Raden Wijaya. Dara Jingga's sister, Dara Petak, was then presented to Raden Wijaya as his wife. Raden Kalagemet was born after this marriage.

One day, in 1340 AD, Adityawarman was sent back to Sumatra, the country of his ancestors, to take care of Majapahit's conquered area, Dharmasraya. During its development, the center of the Kingdom led by Adityawarman then moved to Pagaruyung, until the name of the Kingdom changed to the Pagaruyung Kingdom / also known as the Minangkabau Kingdom. Not long after, the Kingdom of Johor Riau appeared in Malacca waters as the heir to the Kingdom of Malacca.

At another time, another Malay princess named Ratna Wali and her husband sailed to Arabia and migrated to Ruhum Jani on an Arab merchant ship. The archaeological data mainly comes from the 9th - 14th centuries AD. The largest archaeological reserves are found in Bungo Regency.

A clan is a traditional territory of people who feel that they still have one ancestral origin / because of the existence of kinship ties in the past. There may have been a kinship relationship between the Jambi and Minangkabau Malay tribes in the past / originating from the same origin & ancestors. This bond can be found in a hamlet called Teluk Leban because it is located in a bay where Leban wood trees grow.

This province, with an area of ​​50,160.05 km2, at the end of 2013 had a population of 3,760,275 people. Previously in 2010, this province had a population of 3,088,618 people. For 2005, GDP per capita was IDR 8,462,353.

According to Hafiful, animism is an ideology that contains belief in ancestral spirits. Also expressed by tradition is a belief known as animism & dynamism. In everyday life, there are still beliefs in animism & dynamism, where the role of shamans as intermediaries with the unseen world is still found mixed with beliefs in creatures incarnated from the unseen world who like to disturb humans and can be used for human benefit.

Kaltsum et al revealed that animism is a system of worship of ancestral spirits. In animism, humans are associated with animate creatures, especially supernatural beings/spirits who are believed to have mystical powers compared to humans. For example, ancestral spirits, spirits who are supposed to control nature, rivers, water sources, mountains, etc.

The essence of the understanding of animism that has been explained is the belief that every object on the face of the earth such as mountains, lakes, caves, oceans, and graves has a soul that must be respected & upheld so that the soul does not disturb humans, even in cases of This can help them in living their daily lives. Before the arrival of Islamic teachings in Jambi, the community adhered to animism & dynamism beliefs. In traditional societies, ancestral relics/inheritance are considered precious heirlooms.

What we found was animism which included fun, pelaho ngambik aman, pelaho ngayun luci, pelaho connect surah, pelaho janem, mutik smen, nahan ayi ujan, while the dynamism was tangkan & tmpat ninek. Sodri, for example, regarding kenduhi sko, kenduhi sko, that is, after an abundant rice harvest in Central Lempur, a traditional ceremony is held called kenduhi sko. As time goes by, traditions/rituals related to animism & dynamism are starting to be abandoned.

However, on the contrary, many people still practice traditions & rituals rooted in animism and dynamism. As seen in the fun ceremonies, pelaho & ceremonies at the graves of ancestors. At a time when the Jambi people still adhered to animism, dynamism, Hinduism, and then Buddhism, the customs and culture of the Jambi people at that time were colored by these teachings.

Even before Islam entered the Jambi area, which is estimated to be in the first century of the Hijriah, the ancestors of the Jambi area were adherents of animism & dynamism, adherents of Hinduism, and later adherents of Buddhism. Likewise, they have gone through a very long historical journey starting from the pre-historic period, Malay Buddhism & Malay Islam, to the period of struggle against colonialists and the period of independence. At a time when Malay Buddhist culture began to decline, at the same time Malay Islamic culture began to develop.

Islam, slowly but surely, began to displace Buddhist Malay culture until a style of Malay Islamic culture developed. In terms of traditional customs, there is visible acculturation between elements of Islamic culture and the Buddhist style of Ancient Malay. This article examines the traditions of animism & dynamism in the Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung community.

This article seeks to explore the elements of animism & dynamism traditions found in the Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung community. Based on the research conducted, researchers found that the people of Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung still believe in & practice the teachings of their religion as well as the traditions of animism & dynasty. Considering that the people of Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung adhere to Islam, rituals/ceremonies related to animism & dynamism are still carried out through traditions that developed in Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung.

Such a reality is certainly very interesting to study scientifically to reveal the traditions of animism & dynamism that still exist in the Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung community. Furthermore, the object of this article is the tradition of animism & dynamism that still exists in the Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung community. The Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung people believe in ancestral spirits & things related to dynamism, animism, and megalithic traditions.

Hafiful explained that the people of Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung still practice dynamic traditions, such as rituals for the menhirs of their ancestors, they go to sacred locations called jihat / ninek places. It's just that we don't discuss the pelaho tradition in depth, apart from that we also focus more on the traditions/beliefs of animism & dynamism that exist in Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung. It is known that the people in Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung adhere to Islam, but still believe in supernatural powers other than humans and even still practice the traditions of animism & dynamism in some communities in the Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung area.

Apart from that, people believe in sacred places & inanimate objects such as ancestral graves, necklaces, etc. Even so, some people in Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung have begun to abandon things that smell of animism & dynamism, because this is strictly prohibited in the Islamic religion. The majority of people in the Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung customary jurisdiction area adhere to Islam, however, despite this, the traditions of animism & dynamism mentioned above are still carried out by some people, which of course is in conflict with the Islamic religion that the community adheres to.

This has also received criticism from religious leaders that traditions must be abandoned because they conflict with the teachings of Islam, but many people have abandoned traditions related to animism & dynamism. To eradicate the notion of animism & dynamism to the stage of purifying the local community's beliefs. With the development of today's sophisticated era, some people in Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung are starting to abandon things related to animism & dynamism.

Based on the description presented above, it can be concluded that some of the people of Tigo Luhah Tanah Sekudung to this day still maintain traditions that are contrary to the teachings of the Islamic religion, such as the fun of worshiping the spirits of ancestors using several offerings & also their daily lives are colored by beliefs. mythical. There was also acculturation between two Islamic and pre-Islamic cultures in Siulak. Meanwhile, Christianity is generally adhered to by the Batak, Nias, and some Chinese ethnic residents.


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