Lembak's Animism

The kingdom in Bengkulu province made an agreement with England & as a consequence of that agreement England had monopoly rights to buy pepper in both areas. According to records, in 1712 in the capital there were 800 housing units. Then explains the history of celebrating birthdays in the Islamic tradition & the spread of this tradition in the archipelago, especially in Sumatra.

Kaptein doubts this & believes that there was no birthday celebration before 514 H. Meanwhile, in the Sunni tradition, according to Kaptein, birthday celebrations began in Syria during the time of Nur al-Din. This tradition was also started by a sheik in Mosul, namely Umar al Malla, who was a contemporary and became a teacher and role model for Nur al-Din.

Hurgronje, for example, said that the Mawlid tradition was widespread in the villages in Aceh when he was there & said this tradition began in the 16th century on the orders of the Turkish Sultan. However, in 1983 the name of the hamlet was changed to village by Law No. 5 of 1979 concerning village equality. This is known based on the work of Abd al Qadir ibn Shaikh ibn Abd Allah al Aidrus in the book al-Nur al Safir an Akhbari al Qarn al Āshir, he explains the figures who died in 944 AH, including the death of Abd al Rahman ibn Ali al Daiba, the author the book al Dibai.

The second text is a text by Sheikh Sulaiman al Rasuli which began written on 20 Dzulhijjah 1341 H. Like the text Sinar Gemala Mestika Alam & Composition Permata Mutiara which lives on Penyengat Island, Riau Islands, the poetry of the Book of Maulid written by al Rasuli also lives on mainland Riau, to be precise in Kampar district, Riau Province. It is not uncommon for there to be errors in the pronunciation of Arabic texts so that the original meaning of the Arabic text is difficult to know anymore, such as the answer poem likhamsatun which turns into lihamzatun.

In the past, teenagers were taught this art, as told by Ali Arifin, Sarafal Anam coach at the Annur Mosque, Kandang sub-district. Now, the Sarapal Anam group practices once a week on Friday evenings after Isha prayers. The research time starts from February - July 2013, so the research time is approximately 6 calendar months.

The term ethics comes from ancient Greek, the singular form of the word ethics is ethos, while the plural form is taetha. The Indonesian nation is a nation that has a high level of diversity, both physically and non-physically. The tradition of the first prayer is still carried out today by the Lembak tribe, where in its implementation there are more or less elements of Hindu culture which require the tradition of worship & elements of animism in the supernatural powers of nature.

This is done to preserve the traditional cultural values ​​of their ancestors, assuming that what they do is a way to respect & remember the services of their ancestors.


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