Lamakera's Animism

The Lawung clan of Kiko Onang are the ancestors of the Lamakera tribe who had to leave Ternate because of the political situation in their country. For centuries, the residents of this Muslim village have been better known as whale hunters. Still, they do not just catch these protected marine mammals, as with the fishing community in Lamalera village, a fishing village south of Lembata Island, Lembata Regency. This was covered in a 2015 documentary entitled Racing Extinction.

Long before Islam entered Tanah Solor, the ancestral beliefs of the Lamakera people were generally animist, as in the Indonesian region in general. Long before Islam arrived in Tanah Solor, the ancestral beliefs of the Lamakera people were generally animist, like the Indonesian region in general. Now in Watobuku village, there is the most magnificent mosque called al Ijtihad.

The mosque was visited by the Emir of Qatar who arrived at Maumere's Frans Seda airport using his private plane on Friday. He arrived in one of the small towns on the island of Flores with his entourage who also brought their own private jet.


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