Bulungan's Animism

This tribe originated from bamboo and eggs, which turned into two humans, who were then named Jau Iru and Lemlaisuri. When they grew up, the two of them married and had a child named Jau Anyi. Paran Anyi did not have a son but had a daughter named Lahai Bara, who later married a man named Wan Paren, who succeeded him in his position.

From the marriage of Lahai Bara & Wan Paren, a son named Si Barau and a daughter named Simun Luwan were born. It was in the upper reaches of Long Peleban village that Lahai Bara's coffin was buried. Simun Luwan's departure was caused by a dispute with her own brother, at that time it was the beginning of the movement of the Kayan tribe, leaving their ancestral place of origin on the Payang River to the Kayan River & settling not far from the city of Tanjung Selor, the current capital of Bulungan district.

Simun Luwan married Sadang, and a daughter, Asung Luwan, was born from their marriage. During Sadang's rule, the Kenyah tribe from Sarawak attacked. The chief fell, but his daughter, Asung Luwan, managed to escape and fled to the West Coast.

There, Asung married Datuk Mancang from Brunei. From the results of this peace, Datuk Mencang finally married Asung Luwan, one of the daughters of the Jauwiru descendants. The reign of Datuk Mencang began in 1555 AD & ended in 1594 AD.

Continued by Wira Kelana, son of the Sea Lion. Continued by Wira Keranda, son of Wira Kelana. Continued by Wira Digendung, son of Wira Keranda.

Continued by Wira Amir, son of Wira Digendung titled Sultan Amiril Mukminin. He was then replaced by his son, Aji Ali, who was given the title Sultan Alimudin. Alias ​​Aji Muhammad / Sultan Alimuddin bin Muhammad Zainul Abidin / Sultan Amiril Mukminin / Wira Amir.

Continued by Muhammad Alimuddin Amirul Muminin Kahharuddin I bin Sultan Alimuddin. Alias ​​Muhammad Alimuddin Amirul Muminin Kahharuddin I bin Sultan Alimuddin. Then continued by his son, Si Kidding, with the title Sultan Muhammad Jalaludin.

Alias ​​Muhammad Jalaluddin bin Muhammad Alimuddin. Continued by Muhammad Khalifatul Adil bin Maoelanna. Continued by Muhammad Kahharuddin II bin Maharaja Lela. 

The power of Sultan Kaharudin II was continued by his son-in-law, Si Gieng who was titled Sultan Adzimudin. Alias ​​Sultan Azimuddin bin Sultan Amiril Kaharuddin. Continued by Pengian Kesuma, was the wife of Sultan Azimuddin.

The next ruling sultan was Datu Belembung, the eldest son of Sultan Adzimudin. Unfortunately, he died from a stray bullet while hunting in 1925. After Sultan Kasimudin's son, Achmad Sulaiman, returned from a study assignment in Sumatra, Datu Mansyur handed over power to him.

However, the 12th sultan did not rule for long because he died suddenly in 1931. In this Sultanate, the security of the Sultan was guaranteed by the Kingdom of the Netherlands. This influence ended in 1878 with the signing of an agreement between England and Spain which was designed to eliminate the influence of the Sulu Sultanate.

Instead, Islam began to develop because of the close relationship of its rulers with Arab migrants in Demak. However, like other traditional tribes, the Bulungan people also kept alive the practices of their ancestors. The red and white flag was first raised on 17 - 8 - 1949 there.


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