Iban's Kaharingan

Another theory suggests that the Apo Duat people were once the original inhabitants of Brunei but were pushed upstream to the highlands by invading tribes such as the Iban tribe. The word Iban comes from the original Iban language meaning human / person. They traditionally live in longhouses called Panjabi/betting houses in West Kalimantan.

According to classical Iban literature, the Iban tribe originated from Batang Lupar, Sarawak with the name Tembawai 1. MtDNA results on the Iban found that the Iban had the highest Hapgroup Z level of 11% in South Asia. Around the end of the Paleolithic era, they witnessed early beliefs in early human culture.

The beginning of ancient human civilization already had its own form of religion recognized as animism. According to Taylor, etymologically, animism comes from Latin which means soul, spirit & life. In his book Primitive Culture, he said that in human beliefs there are 3 stages of religious evolution, the oldest is animist beliefs, namely the belief that spirits are inhabited by spirits who are adjacent to human beings but cannot be seen through human senses because their nature is too subtle, unable to carry out things created by humans, can receive important respect in the status of human life until a special ritual is carried out.

Apart from that, Graham Harvey said the term animism refers to ancient/primitive human beliefs because the basis of human belief is belief in spirits. This aspect was also explained by Susrama. Belief in animism does not require belief in prophets, but rather the cult of supernatural beings/who are considered holy & have extraordinary advantages over ordinary human abilities. This belief is rooted in animism, namely believing in one God.

Believe that before the existence of major religions in the archipelago such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism & Buddhism. Through Vida Pervaya's research before the entry of Hinduism into Borneo, the Dayak people, especially the Dayak Maayan, already had a traditional belief system, namely the Kaharingan belief. In 1387 AD after being defeated by Majapahit, the Kaharingan religion had been assimilated with the teachings of Shiva Buddha.

Since the arrival of Europeans & subsequent colonization in the area, headhunting has gradually disappeared from practice, although many other tribal customs and practices and the Iban language continue to develop.


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