Dusun's Animism

Meanwhile, the Dayak tribe of the Dusun group who speak the East Barito language inhabit the northern area of ​​the Meratus mountains, speak the Dayak Maanyan Warukin, Dayak Dusun Halong, Dayak Samihin, Dayak Deah / Dusun Deyah, Dayak Lawangan & Dayak Abal languages. The first study discussed exploring elements of animism & dynamism in the Acehnese Islamic community, from birth to death or beliefs that are still maintained, while this study is to find out how the role of preaching is towards animism in society. The similarity between Ridwan Hasan's journal and this study is that they both discuss animism. Then the second researcher discussed finding out how the primitive beliefs of society & the acculturation of Hindu-Buddhist culture with native culture on the island of Lombok - NTB. At the same time, this study aims to find out what the role of preaching is towards animism in society and how the method of preaching is towards society. This study and Ahmad Afandi's scientific journal are similar in that they both discuss animism. Animism is a ritual in society.

Almost all aspects of people's lives have animism in Muara Inu village. Outsiders come to the place of animism practice to fulfill their vows so that they are not affected by their promises. The worship of ancestral spirits has also developed, marked by the maintenance of sacred places that have been known by the people of North Barito for a long time.

The tradition of animism is a tradition that has been passed down from ancestors and is still carried out today by some people in Muara Inu village which is carried out once a year. Suke-suke, namely a place for drinking water intended for ancestral spirits made of bulo Karisa, is shaped like a small pipe, the water in suke-suke means that it can nurture all life on earth such as plants, animals & humans. In the book Encyclopedia of Ethnic Groups in Indonesia, it is stated that before the arrival of Islam in South Kalimantan, the Muara Teweh people believed in the existence of God figures such as Batara Guru, Patotoe, Dewa Sewue, ancestral spirits, and other supernatural beings who occupy sacred places.

Almost every symptom of polytheism goes almost unnoticed, until today the people of Muhammad continue to be tempted, seduced, and even deceived to follow the lost trail, this can be seen from a tradition that is often carried out by local figures, such as pilgrimages to graves in asking for something they want on a certain day, from the types that are carried out there are often embellishments of offerings that are intended for the spirits of ancestors who have died long ago. The change in the form of animist beliefs in society that is most influenced by the attitude of Islam towards this belief/tradition is very selective, this assumption is because animist beliefs are traditions carried out by people before Islam existed in Indonesia. According to Rahmatia Dg Suji, one of the members of the Majelis Taklim, during the existence of this Majelis Taklim, belief in animism has decreased.

The purpose of the Majelis Talim is to invite and provide a positive impact on teenagers so that they do not get involved in negative actions and do not follow their parents who used to have animist beliefs, motivate them to participate in every religious activity and train their attitudes to be better, with the hope of being able to foster a religious attitude. However, some still maintain the traditions they believe in about the spirit of belief such as the conversion of Hinduism / animism which is generally carried out by people to help achieve their goals. However, some still maintain the traditions they believe in about the spirit of belief such as the conversion of Hinduism / animism which is generally carried out by people to help achieve their goals. However, some still maintain the traditions they believe in about the spirit of belief such as the conversion of Hinduism / animism which is generally carried out by people to help achieve their goals. The reality of the lives of Muslims is that some still preserve the animist belief, that Islam dominates in directing their daily behavior. The integration process resulted in acculturation between local culture and Islamic culture, such as in the animist beliefs of the people in Malang hamlet, Muara Inu village, Lahei sub-district, North Barito district, the Islamic elements contained in the animist belief tradition can be seen by reading the basmalah & saying greetings in a series of animist belief traditions.


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