Maiwa's Animism

Other tribes from Sulawesi include the Maiwa tribe. This research and writing have never been written in the form of a research report. There is only the history of Gowa, Bone & Wajo written by Abdul Rasak Daeng Patunru, but in its presentation, it does not explain the Japanese era and the physical revolution. This district is bordered to the north by the Thna Toraja district, to the east by the Luwu district, to the south by the Sidenreng Rappang district, and to the west by the Pinrang district.

The table above shows that the Alla sub-district has a high population density, reaching 244 iiwa / km. This fairly long period of approximately 500 years is divided into several periods in detail. Thmboro Langiq married Sanda Biliq, a water genie woman from the Saqdang River.

Of the children of Thmboro Langiq & Sanda Biliq, only Puang Sanda Boro is known to have married a genie woman named Tobuqtu Ribatang. From this marriage was born a son named Lakipada, the man whose wife disappeared. Lapaeso was found in the rowa village of Matajang which is known to the people as the Timoran Sadan area.

A legend entitled Pu Sallo cave, where this cave often has people missing if they do not prepare hundreds of meters of rope before entering. While the Kota boy named Tomaraju Arung Buttu I married in Burake Makale with the daughter of Arung Makale. Tomaraju Arung Buttu has 3 sons, namely Todierung Arung Makale, Tolayuk Arung Baroko & Tokalu Arung Buttu. 

The Kassa Kingdom was established around the end of the 18th century AD and was founded by a King named Sammang. Celebrations of Islamic holidays are held every year such as the Prophet's birthday. Although the Enrekang community is a devout Muslim, previously and even now there is still a group of people who believe in animism & dynamism, namely believing in the power of nature and the ruler of creatures & the power of ancestral spirits.

Belief in it surrounds human life, because for them it can & always disturb human safety and peace, therefore there is a reluctance to leave the house at certain times, such as at night/midnight especially on Friday nights, for some people think that at certain times spirits roam. There are several Gods that are adjusted to the existence of where the Gods are, such as, Dewata Jo Palli, namely the God who resides on Mount Palli, the God who controls rivers/water sources is called Dewata |o Wai & there are many other Gods such as the God who controls trees and the God who controls areas that are considered dangerous & steep. In addition, he is also tasked with providing inspiration & controlling the spirits of humans who have died to be selected whether he is worthy of entering heaven / his spirit is returned to earth and transformed into a ghost.

The results of the study showed that before the arrival of Islam to the Duri federation, its people had embraced animism & dynamism.


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