To Garibo's Animism

This proverb is very appropriate for describing indigenous peoples in Indonesia. Legal expert Satjipto Rahardjo mentioned several requirements in Article 18B paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution as a form of hegemonic state power that determines the existence or absence of indigenous peoples. The birth of the Constitutional Court decision no. 35 of 2012 is the basis for the recognition, protection & empowerment of the sovereignty of indigenous peoples in managing their forests. It explicitly mandates that customary forest management can be carried out by indigenous peoples and their existence is no longer in state forest areas.

The change in leadership of aMaN Maluku affected the organization's performance in assisting the Nuaulu tribe in Central Maluku for a while. Meanwhile, aMaN Riau at that phase experienced internal challenges, in addition to external factors in the form of a political map in the local government, which influenced the assistance program for the Talang Mamak tribe in Indragiri Hulu. Finally, KBcF was supposed to provide assistance to the Dayak Ohokng tribe in Muara Tae village, West Kutai, East Kalimantan.

Accompanied by the Desantara Foundation, the Peduli Program focuses on ensuring the certainty of living space and livelihood of the Dayak Kenyah Lepoq Jalan community in Lung Anai village through inclusive village governance. From the small village of the Anak Dalam tribe in the remaining forest surrounded by oil palm plantations in Jambi, to the excitement of lantern lights and sampan rowing songs accompanied by tehyan in the Cina Benteng village, Tangerang. We will meet the indigenous people of the Sawang Gantong tribe in Bangka Belitung.

Moving to the island of Java. We will meet the indigenous people of Baduy and Kasepuhan in Lebak Regency, Banten who continue to struggle in social dynamics to achieve sovereign and dignified conditions. The Care Program in NtB & Ntt, with assistance from the Nusa Tenggara Community Foundation / Samanta, is directed at improving local policy improvements that support the right to access basic services and assistance & social security for excluded groups, including women's groups who are vulnerable in Indigenous communities that still strictly apply traditions in their daily interactions.

Similar conditions are found in Pagai. Making calls / sending messages with gadgets, something that is considered trivial, easy & cheap for city people, is impossible in Bekkeiluk. The 3G network on the 3t islands is not yet evenly distributed.

The only area with a good cellular signal is in Sipora, the district center. However, as part of the program implementation strategy, after observing local social & political dynamics, 1 assisted area in Tinambu Saliguma was released because it required a shift in program priorities. The interior community of Siberut Island, for example, has a unique way of finding thieves/perpetrators of other minor crimes through the traditional bekeu malekbuk ceremony.

In Uma, the mythology of the Mentawai indigenous people is also found, explaining their daily practices. Ali Sastroamidjojo, who served as PM from 1953 to 1955, formed an interdepartmental committee to review the belief system in the community with Decree No. 167/Promotion/1954. The meeting of 3 religions considered Arat Sabulungan in Mentawai to be the same as the belief system because they believe in the spirits of Tai Kaleleu, Tai Kabagatpolak, Tai Kabagatoinan, Tai Kamanua, Tai Kabagatkoat & Ulau Manua.

We will enjoy the family poems that dispel the alienation of the Topo Uma indigenous people in Pipikoro, Sigi. Other tribes from Sulawesi include the To Garibo tribe. Furthermore, we will experience the struggle to seize independence from the shackles of isolation of the To Balo To Garibo, To Bentong indigenous people in Bulo-Bulo village, Barru district & Kahayya village, Bulukumba district. During high tide, the journey takes 3.5 hours.

The sea route uses a fast boat, which travels for 4-5 hours depending on the weather, and a ship owned by Pt aSDP for 10-12 hours. For airplanes, it can be from BIM with a limited schedule every Sunday. A week before the activity/celebration is held, residents will leave letters or verbal messages for other residents who are traveling upstream.

In addition to housing, the New Order government continued the project to change the inland community to be more civilized. The school was established in 2004. So since 2013, the Peduli Program has proposed the construction of a solar power plant.

In 2014 the proposal was realized. In 2015, the Peduli Program encouraged the holding of mass weddings by the church so that the contractual ties that were already religiously valid could be further strengthened by the state through civil registration. The Muntei & Malancan village governments opened up space for assisted communities to be actively involved in various village-level planning forums.

The education, arts, culture & sports approach was chosen to reach residents, including a synergy approach with the Selinsing village government. In addition, the Desantara Foundation, supported by the Naladwipa Foundation, collaborated with the Peduli Program with the Pajanangger village government, building a strong database in development planning at the village level. Many cultural values are maintained in simple courts that still survive & are carried out by the indigenous people in Madobag village to this day.

This legend is related to the sacrificial ritual in each establishment of uma which is related to the local mythology about the existence of the Earthquake God.


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