
Merpas' Animism

The native tribes of Bengkulu include the Merpas tribe. The grouping of migrant communities/tribes in this tribal area can be seen from the names of the sub-districts/villages/hamlets/villages where the migrant tribes live, for example Semarang, Purworejo, Purwokerto, Purwodadi, Pringsewu, Klaten, Wates whose residents come from Central Java. Jogja, Bantul, Sritejo Kencono, Krajan, Trimurjo, Wonosari, Sidomulyo are areas whose residents are from Yogyakarta & Solo. Sinar Semendo, Ogan, Pelembang, is an area with residents from Palembang. Bugis Village is an area with residents from Bugis. Kampung Ambon is an area with residents from Maluku. Its history is recorded from the 16th century, the Kingdom of Dipati Tiang 45 with its King located in the mountains of the Bukit Barisan Plateau with its center in the Lebong area. This kingdom is located at the mouth of the Itam River and its people consist of the Lembak ethnic group. Duke Raja Makdun and his entourage moved away towards the no

Semende's Animism

Some of the Semende tribe are in Prabumulih City, Ogan Komering Ilir & Ulu Regency. Initially, the Palembangsche Bovenlanden afdeling was commanded by an assistant resident based in the city of Labat. With the increasingly rapid development & community services, on 15 - 6 - 1989. The government area inherited from the Dutch East Indies & Japanese governments will soon be changed. Tourist assets that can be developed in this area are the Gemuruh warm water source in Tanjung Laut bay, the Batu Surau megaliths in Batu Surau village & the series of traditional Tubang wedding ceremonies. It is hoped that the next paragraph will be useful in the development of knowledge, especially regarding the Nujuh Likur night tradition. The results can be further utilized either as reading material for the next generation and/or as reference material for further research, as well as providing information for readers about the development of traditions in Kaur Regency in particular. Relate