Semende's Animism

Some of the Semende tribe are in Prabumulih City, Ogan Komering Ilir & Ulu Regency. Initially, the Palembangsche Bovenlanden afdeling was commanded by an assistant resident based in the city of Labat. With the increasingly rapid development & community services, on 15 - 6 - 1989.

The government area inherited from the Dutch East Indies & Japanese governments will soon be changed. Tourist assets that can be developed in this area are the Gemuruh warm water source in Tanjung Laut bay, the Batu Surau megaliths in Batu Surau village & the series of traditional Tubang wedding ceremonies. It is hoped that the next paragraph will be useful in the development of knowledge, especially regarding the Nujuh Likur night tradition.

The results can be further utilized either as reading material for the next generation and/or as reference material for further research, as well as providing information for readers about the development of traditions in Kaur Regency in particular. Related research was conducted by Juliana, Alaluddin Makassar State Islamic University, with the thesis title Mappasoro Traditions for the Community of Barugariattang Village, Bulukumpa District, Bulukumba Regency. The people of Ulak Bandung Village generally come from the Malay tribe from the Malacca Strait, Malaysia & are descended from their ancestors to the Besemah tribe.

As for the specifics, the tradition of nujuh likur night in the Semende community was brought by their ancestors who came from the Malacca Strait, Malaysia & moved to Besema. Burning starts at 19:00 WIB & this provision is mandatory. The traditional procession of the nujuh likur night, the media used for the procession are 27 coconut shells by the night of the 27th of Ramadan, wooden poles as a supporting medium for the shell & resin structure, which is a burning tool that was used by our ancestors before they knew about kerosene and matches. .

Research conducted by Laelatul Munawaroh, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University Yogyakarta, with the thesis title The Meaning of the among - among tradition for the people of Alasmalang village Kemranjen Banyumas. For the people of Alas Malang Village, this tradition is a tradition passed down from their ancestors which should be preserved because it has a noble purpose. However, in general among - among babies are carried out from 40 days - to 4 / 5 years old depending on the needs & abilities of the parents.

The term communication in English communication has many meanings. Selamatan is a communication ritual tradition carried out by the Javanese people. Salvation is carried out to eliminate differences between one human being and another and humans can avoid evil spirits that disturb and harm humans.

Forms of traditional media that exist & live in the artistic traditions of local communities in Indonesia include folklore, prose stories, expressions, poetry, songs, folk theater & sound instruments. The first research was carried out in 1979. In 1984 the third research was carried out.

The resource persons consisted of men & women, and aged between 25 - 70 years. An example of singing is the benaqdut tradition which ended around the 1960s. An example of folklore is ntup - ntup water which originally came from zam - zam water that Puyang Lebi brought from Mecca.

An example of a prose story is the legend of the 7 ancestors of the Semende tribe who left and arrived in the Prapau area. The next day they walked along the Suban river. After 2 nights in that place, the six people saw smoke rising near the village of Aremantai.

Apparently, Cemeti Api & his men were heading for Rejang Lebong. They returned to Pagaruyung, Padang. An example of an expression is that the eldest sister's name is Rangga, then Ringgih, Nantak, Nante, Nin, Jekenin & Beteri Lilin.

The traditions of the Semende people who still strongly adhere to the customs & customs of their ancestors, coupled with the support of a rural nature that is safe, peaceful, and cool, really allows such a setting to support the story as a whole. In this case, custom actually comes from the Arabic adat, the plural form of adah, which means habit & is considered synonymous with uf, something that is generally known/accepted. Customs influenced by Islam are a combination of Hindu and Buddhist religious beliefs.

An example of this combination is the influence of Hindu Buddhist culture, animism & dynamism. The tradition of ritual ceremonies can still be seen in the Hindu-Buddhist religion to this day. Like the pilgrimage ceremony which is a kind of feast to commemorate the spirits of ancestors which is carried out at home by gathering the closest family members.

According to Mulyani, the aim of traditional dance is to preserve ancestral culture as a complement to needs. This paragraph aims to describe the performance form & function of the Rudat dance in Rebang Tinggi village. Way Kanan Regency is one of the districts in Lampung Province, which is one of the divisions of North Lampung Regency.

Rudat art is an original art of the Sasak tribe which has been inherited from ancient times by their ancestors & is still preserved today by the people of Punia Karang Kateng village & this Rudat art is named rudat peser. Next, the data was analyzed to obtain mature data regarding the form of data contained in the rudat dance in the community of Pasar Banjit sub-district, Banjit sub-district.


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