Alas' Animism

Acehnese folk legend states that the first Acehnese came from the Mante tribe, the Mante tribe is a local ethnic group that is part of the Alas tribe. They speak Alas. The dance of this ethnic group is mesekat.

This tribe is contained in the northern Batak family. The name of their region is called Tanoh Alas because it was the former Kingdom of Raja Alas. After King Lambing, who led this kingdom, stepped down, his reins were taken by King Dewa, whose wife was the daughter of King Lambing.

Evidence of this historical site is still available in Muara Lawe Panggang, Batumbulan village. At the beginning of his arrival, King Dewa migrated through the eastern coast before there was an agreement above, he still adhered to the matrilinealistic culture of Minangkabau, until his son Raja Alas as the heir to the Kingdom followed the lineage & clan of his mother, namely Selian. This community had lived in the Alas Valley, long before the Dutch Colonial Government entered Indonesia, where the situation of the people of the Alas Valley was immortalized in a book written by a Dutchman named Radermacher, if seen from the historical record of the entry of Islam into Alas Land, in 1325 So it is clear that this population already exists even though it is still nomadic and adheres to animist beliefs.


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