Aneuk Jamee's Animism

Another ethnic group is the Aneuk Jamee tribe in the western & southern regions. The residents of Blangporoh village do not come from ancestors, so this community is not united by genealogy, but rather by marriage ties between residents of one village and residents of neighboring villages. This tribe is the descendants of Minangkabau migrants who migrated to Aceh & have acculturated with the Acehnese tribe.

At that time, many Minang people avoided the upheaval & colonialism of the Dutch East Indies. Rituals in Southeast Asian society form part of a system. This applies to every ritual starting from pregnancy rituals, birth, death & rituals related to ancestors.

As a result, representatives of various cultures of people in the Middle East & India have mixed with indigenous practices & beliefs (animism). In the past, the city of Labuhan Haji had a great history as a port city. As people who have visited the Holy Land, they have a direct opportunity to improve communications with the rest of the Islamic world.

2000 Indonesian pilgrims made the Haj pilgrimage in 1860 & as many as 10,000 pilgrims in 1880 and 50,000 pilgrims departed in 1926. They had direct contact with the spiritual center of Islam through the Suez Canal which regulates the shipping route which was opened in 1869. This Hajj pilgrimage event has brought awareness to developments occurring in other parts of the Muslim world, especially the expansion of European empires, and political & intellectual enthusiasm.

They also try to prioritize culture to show diversity & changes in thought related to Islam, as in the comparison made by Geerzt which discusses the different forms of Sufism found on the island of Java and in Morocco. For example, comparing the Qamariyah & Syamsiyah calendars because in 2007-2008 these two types of calendars coincided in time. And in their mosque complex, there is a pavilion called the PKK hall.

As for the function of the mosque, in this village, firstly, as a place where village people perform prayers, especially the five daily prayers & tarawih as well as Eid al-Fitr & Eid al-Adha prayers, secondly, the mosque is a place where women read the Al-Qur'an every Friday night and children young men read the book Dalael Khairat together every Saturday night. Apart from their own solidarity, religious solidarity has also connected village communities with other Muslims. This kind of unity is bound by religious brotherhood & centered on Mecca as the mother country when worshiping God. 

Now, the characteristics of pious Muslim clothing, especially in Dayah Darussalam, have begun to disappear. But there, they also established the same Dayah & taught Arabic, ushul fiqh from various Islamic books, the science of mustalhah hadith, the science of hadith. Another name is Ughang Jamu.


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