Anak Rimba's Animism

Apart from being a habitat for various types of protected rare flora & fauna, the TNBT area is also a place where several indigenous tribal communities such as Anak Rimba live. The Anak Rimba tribe is an indigenous tribe and minority on the island of Sumatra, specifically in South Sumatra. According to oral tradition, the ancestors of this tribe came from Maalau Sesat.

According to oral tradition, the ancestors of this tribe came from Malau Sesat, where they fled to the jungle in Air Hitam Bukit National Park 12. Their kingdoms of Tambusai, Rambah, Kecepatan, Rokan IV Koto & Kunto Darussalam controlled the upstream area of ​​the Rokan River, and their children the river is now in Rokan Hulu district. The social activities of the Anak Rimba tribe are influenced by the beliefs where they live, including the community having animist beliefs.

For example, people who have animist beliefs will carry out social and cultural activities according to their beliefs. Animism is the belief in spirits in human life. The Anak Rimba tribe, known as the jungle people, have animist beliefs, namely the belief in the existence of spirits in every human life.

Many of the surrounding communities still adhere to dynamism & animism. Because many people adhere to dynamism & animism, they adapt their lives, social structures, customary laws, and myths according to their beliefs. The people of the Anak Rimba tribe believe that if you want to survive in this world, every activity you do must respect the spirits who are located in almost all places. 

The people of the Anak Rimba tribe believe that if you want to survive in this world, then every activity you do must respect the spirits who are located in almost all places in the forest. Although initially people believed in animism, now many of them adhere to Christianity and Islam. Although initially, the people of this tribe believed in animism, many of them converted to Islam and Christianity.

Hundreds of residents of the Anak Rimba tribe who were previously animists have now emigrated to Islam. Several large companies that play a role in the modernization of the Anak Rimba tribe include Chevron Pacific Indonesia, a subsidiary of Chevron Corporation, PT Indah Kiat Pulp & Paper Tbk in Perawang, and PT Riau Andalan Pulp & Paper in Pangkalan Kerinci.


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