Bonai's Animism

Indonesia is a nation that is rich in cultural diversity, this is because Indonesia consists of various ethnic groups and each ethnic group has cultural differences & uniqueness both in terms of regional languages, customs, habits, and various other things that enrich the nation's culture. Indonesia. As envisioned in the mandate of the 1945 Constitution, namely creating a society that is just, prosperous & physically and mentally prosperous. 

By realizing the importance of the role of traditional communities in being involved in various development programs, understanding the social, cultural, and environmental dimensions of KAT life becomes important through introducing the socio-culture of indigenous tribes in Riau Province. The first explains that the ancestors of the Bonai tribe came from Borneo who came along the mouth of the Rokan River upstream & they arrived at the current settlement area. The first explains that their ancestors came from Borneo who came along the mouth of the Rokan River upstream & they arrived at the current settlement. 

According to ancestral history, initially, the Bonai Tribe was led by 2 brothers. According to history, the ancestors of the Bonai tribe were led by two brothers, namely Sultan Janggut who became the forerunner of the Sakai people in the lower reaches of the Rokan River & Sultan Harimau who became the forerunner of the Bonai people. This version of the story is difficult to accept as true because historically no evidence has been found of the migration of Borneo/Celebes people to the interior of Sumatra. 

In fact, according to Alimandan, the name Sultan Harimau, who is believed to be the ancestor of the Bonai people, comes from Borneo, which clearly does not have tigers. This version of the story is difficult to accept as true because historically no evidence has been found of the migration of Borneo/Celebes people to the interior of Sumatra, even according to Alimandan, the name of Sultan Harimau, who is believed to be the ancestor of the Bonai people, came from Borneo, which is clearly not true. The second version explains that the ancestors of the Bonai people came from the Pagaruyung Kingdom. 

The second version explains that the ancestors of the Bonai people came from the Pagaruyung Kingdom. Like other KAT communities, they were originally animists. One of the characteristics of the Bonai people which also gives rise to negative judgments from Malay people is their animist religion. 

One of the characteristics of the Bonai people as seen by the Malays is that their beliefs are animistic. The original beliefs of the Bonai people are based on the belief in various spirits and supernatural powers in the universe. In daily life, the Bonai people are still characterized by animist practices, such as the traditional healing tradition of bomo & the worship of forest guardian spirits. 

The majority adhere to animism but there are already those who embrace Islam and Christianity. Before the Bonai Tribe people in Kasang Mungkai Village knew about Islam & Christianity, the entire Bonai Tribe community believed in the spirits of their ancestors, but after time and era passed, the Bonai Tribe people began to know about Islam & Christianity. Before the advent of Islam and Christianity, the Bonai tribe adhered to animist beliefs. 

However, the reason is that the Bonai people, even though they have converted to Islam and Christianity, still follow the traditions of their ancestors' beliefs. In general, the Bonai people still adhere to animism, but some have converted to Islam. In their daily lives, the Bonai tribe is still characterized by animist practices, such as traditional healing traditions by bomo & worship of forest guardian spirits, Islamic law has not been fully implemented by them, this is normal because the spread of Islam has not been intensive and the development of the religious sector has not yet been implemented. 

Even though many of the Bonai people have converted to Islam, they still practice the religion of their ancestors which is still surrounded by elements of animism, magical powers, and spirits. Furthermore, in terms of traditional rituals, Yance's opinion, I said that currently the majority of the Bonai tribe are Muslim, but animistic traditions and beliefs still persist. The first ritual is the Rosul circumcision ceremony which is a ceremony carried out on children aged from babies to 10 years who are considered adults. 

The second ritual is the cegak dance which uses a mantra before the performance begins so that the spirits of their ancestors are present to protect & give them strength in performing their performing arts. Until the traditional art of cegak & buwong kuayang dance became WBTB from the Ministry of Education and Culture in 2013. The third ritual is the bodeo dance which was created from generation to generation by their ancestors.
Based on the results of the research & discussion above, it can be said that the habits carried out in the Bonai tribe community have become customs that have been carried out from generation to generation by inheritance from their ancestors, so habits in the form of traditional attitudes and behavior of the community are based on values. which is believed to be true is a form of local wisdom. Based on the results of the research described in the previous discussion, it can be concluded that the Bonai tribe community in Ulak Patian has cultural values ​​as local wisdom that are inherited from their ancestors long ago, these cultural values ​​are embedded & preserved by members of the community as a symbol of tribal identity. Bonai which includes religious, aesthetic, togetherness, and democratic values.


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