Pindah's Animism

The native population of Jambi province belongs to the Pindah Tribe. Meanwhile, the Pindah Tribe culture combines Malay & Palembang culture who live in several sub-districts in Batanghari & Sarolangun Regencies. In 2013, a thesis was written in the Sociology Department of the State University of Malang's Sociology Education Study Program with the keyword transformation of Islamic animism about the transformation of the belief system from animism to Islam in Batanghari Regency.

Animism is the belief in spirits & spirits which is the basis of religious beliefs that first appeared among ancient humans. Animist beliefs believe that every object on this Earth has a soul that must be respected so that this spirit does not harm humans. Apart from the souls & spirits that reside in the places stated above, animist beliefs also believe that the spirits of dead people can enter the bodies of animals.

Animism is the belief in inanimate objects that have spirits. The spirits of dead people can also enter the bodies of pigs/tigers and are believed to take revenge on people who were their sworn enemies during their lifetime. This belief is different from the belief in reincarnation found in Hinduism and Buddhism, where in reincarnation, the soul does not move directly into the body of another living animal, but rather through rebirth into the world in a new form of life.

Animism is the belief in spirits and spirits which is the basis of religious beliefs that first appeared among ancient humans. In Hinduism & Buddhism, there is also a concept of the law of karma which is different from this animist belief. Animism has colored the religious life of all tribes in Indonesia.

After the arrival of Islam, people began to change their beliefs and abandon the practice of worshiping tree spirits.


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