Ameng Sawang's Animism

Based on the 2010 Indonesian Population Census, the ethnic groups found in the Bangka Belitung Islands are very diverse, with a population of 1,219,398, namely ethnic groups from Sumatra, especially Bangka Belitung, including the Ameng Sawang tribe with 841,771 people. The relationships between ethnic groups in this province that have existed for a long time have led them to a unique Malay Nature Tamadun which has maritime characteristics. After a long journey, the Dutch colonialists succeeded in establishing a tin company which was also inseparable from the role of the Sawang people.

In 1866, Billiton Maatschappy continued to bring in workers from China until there were 2724 people & on 9 - 9 - 1924, Billiton Maatschappy changed its name to NV GMB / NV Gemeenschapelyke Mynbouw Maatschappy Billiton. In the 1950s, their number was estimated to still be in the thousands of heads of families. In 1980 in the 4 sub-districts of Tanjung Pandan, Membalong, Manggar & Gantung, it was estimated that their number was only 500 people belonging to approximately 150 families.

The second empowerment effort was carried out around 1985 by building houses close to the Cerucuk River. The effort to house the Sawang people is considered to have resulted in the uprooting of the Sawang people from their cultural roots because, for hundreds of years, the Sawang people's ancestors built a maritime culture as a guide to life & a framework for their adaptation to life at sea. The effort to house the Sawang people is considered to have resulted in the uprooting of the Sawang people from their cultural roots because, for hundreds of years, the Sawang people's ancestors built a maritime culture as a guide to life & a framework for their adaptation to life at sea.

The old habits of those who believe in a mystical world, animism & dynamism, have almost been completely eroded. Even though they have embraced Islam, they actually still believe in supernatural things, such as evil spirits which can disturb the peace of their lives and cause disease in their lives. The Muang Jong tradition is carried out regularly during the Tanggare Pute / transition season.

The Muang Jong ceremony is held for 3 days and 3 nights in a row. One of the rituals is that the dancer makes movements as if he is waving toward the ship and calling other people. This lasted approximately 15 - 30 minutes.


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