Kaur's Animism

Etymologically, heuristics comes from the Greek word heurishien, meaning to obtain. Etymologically, heuristics comes from the German word heuristisch, which means to discover. According to Wink's notes in the Dag Register Gehouden Int Custeel Batavia in 1624, many ships sailed back and forth in Silebar Bay.

The native tribes of Bengkulu include the Kaur tribe. In the 18th century, the coastal area at the mouth of the Sambat River had expanded to the Nasal estuary, which was previously inhabited by the Buai Harung tribe. The general marriage age is 20 years for men & 15 - 16 years for women.

The majority do not know God & many of them worship large statues to summon the spirits of their ancestors. Islam entered the city of Bintuhan through various routes. First through Prince Raja Luwih who is the son of the husband and wife Dewa Sekajang Hitam & Putih. 

He comes from Banten, this indicates that he is Muslim & secondly he comes from Mount Bungkuk and converted to Islam after a person from Aceh named Malim Muhidin in 1417 AD came to spread Islam to this area for 6 months. It was during the reign of Ratu Dale that he gave the Peraduan Tinggi area up to the Sumur Kayu Rimau area to the Semendo tribe. Around 1831, the procession of dividing the territory & taking the oath as brothers was written on a pair of Belantan buffalo horns, which were then held by the descendants of Raja Niti and the other horn was held by the descendants of Andaluddin.

Second, the Palembang theory is based on the argument that Islam was brought by the Palembang Sultanate. Third, through education, when spreading Islam among indigenous people, Sayid Ahmad founded an Islamic boarding school known as MHS & from here the local community could learn a lot about Islam. Then in the Manna area, there are the Serawai people, who according to legend come from Pasemah Lebar.

Maharaja Sakti, their first king in the Sungai Lemau Kingdom came from Minangkabau. In the land of Rejang itself, the arrival of Islam was marked by the marriage of Sultan Muzaffar Syah to Princess Serindang Bulan around the middle of the 17th century. After Princess Serindang Bulan's father, Raja Mawang, died, he was succeeded by his brother Ki Karang Nio who took the Islamic title Sultan. Abdullah.

Meanwhile, Haji Fikir Daud was born in 1900 & died in 1982 and was an alumni of Islamic Religious Education at Thawalib Parabek, West Sumatra. He built a small surau which is now the old Bandar mosque in the 1920s. Apart from that, he also developed Islam by building mosques & People's Schools which are now known as Muhammadiyah High Schools, many of which used all the schools of thought that he knew.


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