Mukomuko's Animism

The native tribes of Bengkulu include the Mukomuko tribe. Even though they have embraced Islam, some beliefs in animism & dynamism are still visible in the lives of the Mukomuko tribal people. Animism, the meaning of animism in Latin is animus & in Greek avepos, in Sanskrit, it is called prana / ruah which means breath/soul.

In philosophy, animism is a doctrine that places the origin of mental & physical life in an energy that is separate from/different from the body. Animism is the theory that all miniature natural objects have life/spirit, have a spirit, and that mental & physical life originates from life, soul/spirit. Whereas animist beliefs assume that every object, both animate and inanimate, has a spirit.

Spirits for primitive communities are spirits that are still composed of very material, spirits from objects that give rise to powerful feelings such as dense forests, deep lakes, rivers with fast currents, big trees with shady leaves, dark caves, etc. are the ones that are respected & scared. Similar spirits are given offerings to please them, such as animals, food, flowers, etc. Ancestral spirits are also objects of fear and respect.

Dynamism, also called pre-animism, teaches every object/creature to have mana. Dynamism is also called pre-animism which teaches every object/creature to have mana. The local original belief system is still visible in everyday life.

Because when they lost, the people of Sungai Ipuh still believed in animism and dynamism. Before the arrival of Sheikh Abdullah Khari, the people of Sungai Ipuh Village had a very low level of religious life, they were already familiar with the teachings of Islam but could not read the Koran and did not understand the procedures for performing prayers and wudu properly, the people's hobby was cockfighting & many adhered to animist & dynamism beliefs. . Syekh Abdullah Khari in spreading Islam in Sungai Ipuh Village, Mukomuko started by preaching using the halaqoh method / sitting in a circle because according to Syekh Abdullah Khari, this way people would more easily understand the teachings of the Islamic religion that he conveyed, the contents of the lecture were also filled with jokes. so that people don't get bored of listening to the lectures he gives.


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