Islam Nusantara

Before the adoption of Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Islam in general, the indigenous people of the archipelago believed in invisible spiritual power entities which could be in the form of good or bad energy. Ancient indigenous people also believed that deceased ancestors did not really disappear from the world, but rather that ancestral spirits could metamorphose & gain spiritual powers like Gods and remain involved in the worldly affairs of their descendants. That is why worship & reverence to honor ancestors is an important element in the belief system of indigenous ethnic groups in Indonesia, including the Kangean tribe.

Not a few people on Kangean Island today still believe in the teachings of their ancestors. The Kangean community, who are fanatical about the teachings of their ancestors, causes obstacles in Muhammadiyah's preaching. According to various references, it is recorded that Muhammadiyah was founded by KH Ahmad Dahlan on 8 Dzulhijjah 1330 H, which coincides with 18 - 11 - 1912 AD in Yogyakarta.

In 1966, Muhammadiyah Kangean was led by Zainuddin Prawiro Kusumo as is, and at the same time the management at that time was also just a random form. He is an alumni of the MI & Madrasah Tsanawiyah school in Madinatul Munawwarah. After that, the wife of the 4th PCM chairman was Mrs. Nor.

The first HW chairman was Mr. Moh. Considering that the formation of Muhammadiyah at that time was just random, the other administrators were also taken from random people. What was important was that the Arjasa branch of Muhammadiyah had already been formed. In 1967, thanks to a fairly large plot of land from a waqf, a member of Muhammadiyah Kangean was able to build a mosque measuring 13 x 13 m & now it has grown to 22 x 22 m.

The first mosque it was built took ± 2 years considering that there were obstacles in the construction, such as the lack of pure funds from Muhammadiyah residents & also being hampered by other parties who terrorized the builders so that they would not work to build Muhammadiyah's mosque, including water for construction needs so that Don't give it when taking water from the well. There was also land that was donated to establish the first educational institution, located in Pandeman village at that time. The father/parent of the waqf KH Abdul Kadir Muhammad is the younger brother of KH Masmansur, so, naturally, he understands Muhammadiyah.

The reason for donating land to educational institutions was because his previous background was in the world of education and had established Islamic boarding schools in various areas, including Panarukan and Ambon. However, due to various factors & obstacles, especially the construction costs, for 3 years the land was not built and finally it was returned to the owner. But that educational path was what the pioneering figures of Muhammadiyah Kangean did in 1974.

They founded MTs YPPMI which was the first school built & managed by natives. From year to year, Muhammadiyah Kangean grew until in 1976 it founded the MI Darul Arqam educational institution. It didn't waver, the number of students increased and this classical system was then followed by the Attaqwa Islamic boarding school to this day.

Then in 1990 - 2000, Muhammadiyah Kangean established many pre-school educational institutions in certain villages. Like the days that were formed in the 90s. This means that the curriculum used is the KTSP curriculum for general subjects & the 2013 curriculum for religious subjects.


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