
This province has several islands, including Flores, Sumba, Timor, Alor, Lembata, Rote, Sabu, Adonara, Solor, Ende, Komodo & Palue. Based on Tylor's mapping theory of animism which supports the analysis in this article, several things were found, namely first, the form of belief of the Dengka people was originally Dinitiu. Dinitiu is a belief system that is based on the belief in the existence of ancestral spirits called nitu uma and gods known as nitu mook who inhabit the universe & have the power to prosper or harm humans, both related to the human life cycle and those related to livelihood system.

Therefore, humans carry out various forms of worship through multiple rituals/ceremonies to establish a relationship with this spirit, obtain prosperity & be kept away from all dangers. Tylor calls this belief system animism.


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