Marobo's Animism

Timor Leste does not have an official culture. The culture of the Timorese people depends on the culture of East Timor, which is a mixture of tribes from Indonesia, one of which is the Marobo tribe. A French anthropologist named Brigitte Clamagirand once settled in the Marobo tribe settlement. In 1990, it was discovered that the population was around 3000 people.

The reproduction process is the process of repeating and reproducing everything that is accepted as cultural heritage from our previous ancestors. Animism is a form of religion based on the belief that various kinds of spirits live in nature around humans. This belief gives birth to religious activities in the form of spirit worship.

William A Haviland defines animism as a belief in spiritual beings who are considered to animate nature. Animism developed in a society that saw itself as part of nature, not the ruler of nature. For them, Gods & Goddesses are not important, but the forest is full of all kinds of spirits.

Religious ceremonies to connect, worship & summon spirits aim to ask for blessings, healing, and peace. In addition to Tylor, several experts wrote about animism, including Herbert Spencer, JG Frezer, A Lang & W Wundt. Animism in the narrow sense is a theory about psychic concepts.

Animism is formulated based on the extraordinary insights of primitive people about nature & the world. Primitive people inhabit the world together with many spirits & assume that the cause of natural processes is spirits and demons. They assume that what is inhabited by spirits is not only animals & plants but also inanimate objects.

Pre-animism is a form of religion based on the belief in magical powers that exist in all extraordinary things & consists of religious activities guided by this belief. Pre-animism is also called dynamism. The unilineal kinship group believes that it comes from the ancestral God who 1.

The form of a totem can be in the form of animals, plants, or natural phenomena/objects that symbolize the ancestral God. This form of religion is a reflection of the belief in the existence of spirits that are around human life. So that the spirit does not disturb humans, offerings/flowers are given.

Religion is not only a belief that has occurred in our ancestors. Animism, the belief that nature around human habitation is inhabited by various spirits, this belief gave birth to religious activities in the form of worship of spirits. In classical anthropology, Sir Edward Tylor discovered the concept in 1873 when writing his book.

At that time, many examples of animism were found such as in the Marobo community in East Nusa Tenggara, and the Koyak people in Asia. In East Nusa Tenggara, Australia & America, totemism is a system that occupies a position as a religion and is the basis of social organization. To support his assumption, Smith analyzed the characteristics of the sacrificial ceremony of the ancient Marobo people in 500 BC.

For example, some traditional & Muslim Marobo people on Friday / Thursday nights have a tradition of throwing flowers at crossroads.


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