Berawa's Animism

M Nasroen was the first person to pioneer the study of ethnic philosophy in the 60s through his book Falsafah Minangkabau. Then Sunoto conducted a survey of Javanese ethnic philosophy. The main sources of ethnic philosophy are mythology, legends, folklore, the way an ethnic group builds its houses & holds its ceremonies, the literature they produce, and the epics they write, all of which underlie the building of the ethnic philosophy.

Talking about human philosophy in the context of the Archipelago also means talking about the ethnic philosophy embraced by all members of a tribe. However, not all ancestors of tribes in Indonesia passed down their philosophy in the form of books or writing because they did not yet have a script / written language/writing system. The Berawa tribe passed down its philosophy through spoken media, stories, and mythology, which was told to its tribe members.

This study aims to obtain answers to the formulation of the problem proposed above, with the hope that readers can understand the philosophy of the Berawa tribe & as a requirement to get a bachelor's degree at the Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta State Islamic University, Faculty of Ushuluddin, Department of Aqidah Philosophy. The field research data collection technique was carried out by us conducting direct observation of the Berawa tribe for 2 years. The Berawa tribe lives in the province of North Kalimantan.

North of the state of Sabah. Due to its close distance to Malaysia, there are similarities in the characteristics of the dry plains. The smallest population is in the Tidung district of 1833 people.

Then followed by Catholicism 88,989, Christianity 37,125, Hinduism 548, Buddhism 203 & Confucianism. The big cities are Tarakan, Tanjung Selor, Nunukan, Malinau, Tideng Pale. Until 1890, the Dutch had not been able to control their colonies on the south coast of the island of Borneo, where there were still wars between villages and even between tribes. Although no literature mentions the meaning of the word berawa, one of the Berawa figures stated that berawa is a word to identify the physical description of the ancestors of the Berawa people.

The ancestors of the Berawa people are identified as having tall bodies, even taller than the missionaries who are white people. In addition to height, the Berawa generation still inherits the genetics of speed and strength of their ancestors. At certain times, the residents of one area invaded another area to behead humans to be used as amulets/tools of animist beliefs.

Ranying Mahatala by the Berawa people is not interpreted as a God because it is a prehistoric experience that is spiritual. Another version tells that the Berawa people came from East Kalimantan. According to the story, before they landed in Tarakan there was already another group there, namely the Dayak people who consisted of several groups including Lun Bawang, Kenyah, Murut, Tidung & Bulungan.

They also spread to the interior & the coast in the east apparently Mauri did not last long because he returned but was eventually stranded in the southeast and this is the ancestor of the Maori tribe in New Zealand. Geb & Berawa remained and became ancestors.


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