Lun Bawang's Animism

One theory states that Apo Duat is a shared ancestral homeland that has expanded to coastal areas. However, attacks by Muslim raiders may have occurred in the 17th century. The journey to the village can be done using 4-wheeled or 2-wheeled land transportation, and it takes approximately 30 minutes.

Not only that, when we arrived at the village square of Sapi Island, we were also greeted by a fairly large crocodile statue. One of the Dayak Lundayeh cultural activists, Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Steven explained, that the crocodile is one of the identities of Lundayeh. While telu is meat/fish that is marinated with salt & stored in bamboo for over a month.

Bandar and suburban students differ in terms of socio-economic and ethnic cultural diversity. Before the 1920s, the Lun Bawang tribe was mostly animist. Before religion entered the Mentarang and Krayan areas in North Kalimantan, the Dayak Lundayeh people were animists.

As with other ethnic groups, Dayak Lundayeh also has traditions that have existed since their ancestors. Before embracing Christianity, the Lun Bawang community practiced animist beliefs, namely believing in the natural environment. The traditions & culture created by our ancestors cannot be separated from that.

All of these animist beliefs are more conspiratorial. If the purut has been approved, the wedding ceremony will last no less than 2 weeks. The creation of the patriotic song, Ba Kelalan My Home Sweet Home, proves that the people here are very proud of their hometown where their ancestors lived.

They also connect with supernatural powers to accompany the spirits of the dead in the future. However, after Malaysia's independence, the Lun Bawang people no longer practiced these animist beliefs, their economic activities have diversified. Where 3 Australian Christian missionaries started sailing to the Borneo islands.

Traditions related to animism were abandoned because they conflicted with religion. All the animist ceremonies inherited from generation to generation have been replaced with Christian ceremonies. Now, all beliefs, animistic beliefs taboos, and prohibitions passed down from generation to generation are being abandoned suddenly, causing the extinction of some of the resam customs that can still be used.

So, the threat of the loss of ancestral traditions becomes increasingly real. Now, a small number are from other Christian denominations, such as the True Jesus Church, Seventh Day Adventists, Roman Catholics/other religions, such as Islam & Buddhism. For approximately 86 years, the Dayak Lundayeh tribe has lost its identity.

The enthusiasm for rebuilding ancestral culture is not only felt by the Lundayeh people who live on Mother Earth, but this enthusiasm also spreads to the communities of Sabah, Malaysia & Brunei Darussalam. Including holding the Aco Lundayeh Cultural Festival which started July 9, and brought together all the people of Lundayeh, from various regions & countries.


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