Murut's Animism

Based on the 2010 BPS census, there are at least 1,340 ethnic groups in Indonesia. Meanwhile, Poline Bala, who studies changes in the Kelabit community in Sarawak, has also focused on the community itself as an agent of change. Murut Keningau, called Murut Nabai, occupies the Keningau flat land area & Murut Timugon occupies the Tenom flat land area.

Murut Bookan lives in the Dalit River valley area on the Sook border. Murut Tengara inhabits the upper reaches of the Kinabatangan River, expanding to the west across the upper reaches of the Kuamut River. In the past, the Dayak people adhered to animism.

The Murut Tahol people adhere to animist beliefs. This article will discuss the efforts of the Murut Tahol community to maintain their cultural practices even though their religious beliefs have changed from animism to Christianity. In 1937, missionaries from BEM came to them with the conversion intention but their efforts failed.

The Murut Paluan community in Sabah, especially in Nabawan, was successfully converted but still uses myth as the basis of their beliefs. Studies in Alutok village show that their inherited traditional culture has been adapted to their current belief system. This article will discuss the efforts of the Murut Tahol community to maintain their cultural practices even though their religious beliefs have changed from animism to Christianity.

They still worship ancestral spirits & often perform spirit worship rituals. Therefore, traditional community culture, which is based on spirit and enthusiasm, can exist and thrive within the framework of traditional beliefs which are also based on the same principles. They live in longhouses and practice a simple way of life based on customs and culture inherited from generation to generation from their ancestors.

In their animist world, Aki Kaulung is the most important source of power which is also known as the beginning of all events. To prevent bad things from happening, they need to obey taboos and traditions inherited from their ancestors. The ritual that is still carried out is pamalaan, namely, the man gives an item to the woman to ask for her hand in marriage, but if they refuse, the item will be returned to the man within a week.

Meanwhile, in the past, when they still adhered to animism, the value of these items lay not only in their material aspects but also in their spiritual aspects. The wedding ceremony that is held usually lasts up to 7 days. It usually takes between 30 - 60 days for this matter to be discussed.

All of these elements are related to nature & its natural properties which are linked to the animist beliefs held. For the Murut Tahol people, the customs & culture inherited from their ancestors need to be continued for the sake of peace, prosperity, and happiness in their lives.


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