Pasir's Animism

The Paser / Dayak Paser tribe is an ethnic group whose ancestral homeland is along the southeast of the island of Kalimantan / Borneo / located in the southern part of East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The Paser tribe has an ancient civilization, even in the mythological story the Paser tribe is one of the oldest ethnic groups on the island of Kalimantan / Borneo & they call the bansu tatau datai danum civilization which means humans who live on the coast, rivers and lakes from the bansu tatau datai danum civilization.

Petong after marrying Abu Mansyur Indra Jaya, Princess Petong gave birth to her first child, Aji Mas Nata Pangeran Berlindung bin Abu Mansyur Indra Jaya a year later. The son of the young king Aji Pangeran Tumenggung Bayabaya was then inaugurated as King Kutai Kartanegara V replacing King Kutai Kertanegara IV Aji Raja Mandarsyah. At that time the palace of the Banjar Sultanate had been moved from Pemakuan to the Batang Banyu area because previously in 1612 the Kuin Palace was attacked by the VOC, at that time Marhum Panembahan ordered Kiai Lurah Cucuk to bring a boat with a crew of 40 people to pick up Aji Tunggul with his wife and children and family.

When he arrived at the Banjar Palace at that time in the area, Aji Ratna, the daughter of Aji Tunggul, was married to Dipati Ngganding and then had 2 children, Andin Juluk & Andin Hayu. Then Andin Juluk married Prince Dipati Anta Kasuma, the son of Sultan Mustainbillah with the queen consort Ratu Agung, who later served as Duke / King of Kotawaringin replacing Dipati Ngganding. The couple Aria Mandalika & Putri Limbuk had a child named Raden Kakatang.

1641, Sultan Mustain Billah sent Kiai Martasura to Makassar to establish bilateral relations between the two countries during the time of I Mangadacinna Daeng Sitaba Karaeng Pattingalloang Sultan Mahmud, King of Tallo who served as mangkubumi for Sultan Malikussaid King of Gowa 1638 - 1654, he borrowed Pasir from Marhum Panembahan as a place to trade. Previously, La Madukelleng was married to Andin Anjang / Andeng Ajeng, daughter of Aji Geger bin Aji Anom Singa Maulana. One of La Maddukelleng's daughters with Andeng Ajeng named Aji Putri Agung later married Sultan Aji Muhammad Idris.

1736, an envoy came from the Wajo Kingdom La Dalle Arung Taa, calling him back to Wajo. 1768 - 1799, the reign of Aji Dipati who was titled Sultan Dipati Anom Alamsyah, he married Queen Intan I binti Daeng Malewa, Queen of the Cantung & Batulicin countries. The Dutch were later replaced by the British colonialists.

Animism is a belief that believes that everything has a soul/spirit. Animism is a primitive religion that for thousands of years has deified animals, stars & several idols. They also practice spirit summoning, witchcraft, divination & astrology.

They use magic, spells, superstitions, amulets/anything they believe can help protect them from evil spirits & appease good spirits. Elements of animism are present in many false religions including Hinduism, Mormonism & all New Age sects. This false religion teaches that the spirit within humans is God.

This is the same lie that Satan has been telling since the events in the Garden of Eden. In addition, the Bible also strictly forbids the practices carried out by animists. Like all other false religions, animism is just another form of deception by Satan, the father of all lies.

Putri Petong is believed to adhere to animism / a belief that worships spirits & Gods. It is believed that spirits/gods can help when needed. To summon these spirits, a building in the form of a house called a pantry is needed. In the pantry, offerings of cakes are made in the form of statues made from rice flour resembling the spirit to be summoned.


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