
Showing posts from October, 2015

Bantik's Animism

There are three names of dotu muntu—untu who attended the meeting: muntu—-untu from the seventh century from Telebusu, muntu—-untu from the 12th century from Tonsea, and muntu—untu from the 15th century from the Spanish era. In the city of Manado, several areas still maintain their ancestral culture, namely the Bantik tribe. In addition, there are also in Ratahan and the Mongondouw region. The Ban Hin Kiong Temple, built in the early 19th century, is the center of cultural tourism in Chinatown. Kampung Arab is a religious tourism destination because of the large number of Arab Peranakan communities. The Bantik tribe still preserves some of its ancestral relics. The tribe's belief system began with animism. As their lives developed, there was a shift in their understanding of the belief system when people began to believe in the teachings of the Bible through preaching carried out in the Dutch East Indies era; until now, they live in a Christian belief system.

Bajau's Animism

The population of North Kalimantan is very heterogeneous and divided into various ethnic groups, such as the indigenous people of Kalimantan and the largest immigrant group, the Bajau tribe. The Bajau / Sama tribe is an ethnic group whose homeland is the Sulu archipelago in the southern Philippines. The Bajau tribe has spread to the land of Sabah and various regions of Indonesia for hundreds of years.

Siau's Animism

The first kulan in Tampunganglawo was named Gumansalangi. He had a wife named Ondoasa, who was also called Sangiangkonda / Kondowulaeng. At the end of the 12th century, Gumansalangi was a crown prince of the sultan in Kotabato.  Gumansalangi & Ondaasa had 2 children, namely Melintang Nusa and Meliku Nusa. On this journey, Andoasa's brother, Prince Bawangunglara, also joined. In South Tabukan, they landed at Saluhe Beach.  Because Gumansalangi was a kulan / King, the local people changed the place where they landed to Saluhang, which means to be praised and maintained so that it grows well and is fertile. In the 13th century / 1300 AD, they founded a new Kingdom in Salurang & its territory reached Marulang. Both of them moved to the top of Mount Sahendarumang & settled there.  After both were in this place, the sound of thunder and lightning rays was always heard from the top of the mountain, until Gumansalangi was named Medellu which means thunder that sounds ...


Indonesia is a country rich in ethnic diversity and tribes. Ancient objects, including ancient Talaud, Minahasa, and Bolaang Mongondow caves, have been discovered in North Sulawesi. However, several studies and archaeological excavations suggest that this island has been occupied since 5000 - 2000 BC. Their area has 3 central islands: Karakelang, Salibabu & Kabaruan. According to etymology, the most popular opinion says that the word sangir comes from the word Zanger in Dutch. Third, the Siau - Tagulandang people are the native inhabitants of the Siau, Tagulandang & surrounding islands. Before any religion entered, they generally still adhered to animism & dynamism. This religion is not an animist, anima/animus religion & is not pagan as accused by the Europeans, because they worship 1 power that is considered very powerful even though the ruler is intangible & cannot be represented by a tree / large stone to be worshiped. The teachings of Islam first entered Sangih...

Sangir's Animism

Indonesia is a country rich in ethnic diversity and tribes. In addition to Minahasa, the Sangir tribe is an Indigenous people of North Sulawesi, totaling 879,579 people. However, several studies and archaeological excavations suggest that this island has been occupied since 5000 - 2000 BC. First, the Talaud people are the indigenous people of the Talaud islands and surrounding areas. Second, the Siau Tagulandang people are the indigenous people of the Siau, Tagulandang islands, and surrounding islands. Before any religion entered, they generally still adhered to animism and dynamism.

Bolaang's Animism

The Bantik tribe is located southwest of Manado city in Malalayang and Kalasei. It is also found in Ratahan and the Mongondouw region. Those who go to the southern interior inhabit Bumbungon, Mahag, Tabagolinggot, Tabagomamag, Siniyow, Dumoga Mointok, Moloben, etc. This migration event occurred around the 8th & 9th centuries. The belief system of the Bantik tribe began with animism as a tribal belief. The Mongondow tribe believes their ancestors came from the Gumalangit & Tendeduata couple and the Tumotoiboko and Tumotoibokat couple, who lived on Mount Komasan, now part of Bintauna. The name Bolaang Mongondow cannot be separated from the mythology regarding the ancestors of the Bolaang Mongondow tribe which comes from the mythology of Gumalangit - Tendeduata & Tumotoi Bokol - Bokat above. The name Bolaang Mongondow is inseparable from the mythology of the ancestors of the Bolaang Mongondow people which comes from the mythology of Gumalangit - Tendeduata & Tumotoi Bokol ...

Tonaas Walian

This agreement occurred on 10 - 1 - 1679 and was carried out between the VOC governor based in Maluku, Robertus Padtbrugge, and 23 Walak chiefs. Johann Gerard Friedrich Riedel's notes in his writings in 1870 state that initially, there were 3 paksaans, namely Tumbuluk, Tountewoh, and Toungkimbut. According to folklore, these three paksaans divided the territory in Watu Pinawetengan. Graafland's writings in the 19th century used the names Toumbulu for Tombulu, Tounsea for Tonsea, Toulour for Tondano, and Tounpakewa for Tontemboan. The Bantik sub-ethnic group inhabits the city of Manado and its surroundings, while the Siauw sub-ethnic group inhabits the island of Siauw. The other three languages ​​are included in other groups: the Ponosokan language is included in the Gorontalo-Mongondow group, and the Bantik and Ratahan languages are included in the Sangihe-Talaud group.  Maria fought to improve the condition of women in the early 20th century, including by establishing PIKAT. T...