
Showing posts from December, 2015

Saluan's Animism

The Banggai tribe has similarities in language, culture, and tradition with the Saluan & Balantak tribes who inhabit the Banggai district. The name Saluan is one of the three children of the King who ruled long ago, this Saluan is the youngest child of the King. The original Saluan people are the Loinang people which means mountain people. The 2015 population census estimated the Saluan population at approximately 200,000. Contemporary research in decision-making is mostly rooted in the results of research conducted in the early 20th century, such as studies conducted by Foyett. Other examples of ascribed status are status as Indonesian citizens, Kubu people, widows, orphans, etc.

Sea - Sea's Animism

The Banggai tribe is divided into 2: the Sea-Sea tribe who live in the mountains & the Banggai tribe who live on the coast. This animist theory has recently received extensive criticism from the latest scholarship on religious studies & anthropology because of its essentialist nature and the bias of the modern paradigm. The originator of ​​animism was Edward B Tylor, who is often referred to as the father of cultural anthropology & continued by James G Frazer. The book Primitive Culture was written 12 years after the publication of On the Origin of Species. Darwin's work helped shape the spirit of the era of scholarship in the second half of the 19th century which tended to want to explain the origin of everything in an evolutionist paradigm. Animism for him is a primitive form & is the foundation of all religions. Just like Tylor, primitive animist societies initially grappled with questions of life & death. Among the examples of myths cited by Frazer are the b...

Moronene's Animism

He ended his life at the foot of a hill near the village of Kassi Pute. Usually, the engagement period is between 1 and 7 years. In the Moronene community, traditional expressions are seen as sacred because they are closely related to humans' religious nature. Until now, there are still groups of people who believe in supernatural powers that will help if a disaster strikes, and this is inseparable from the influence of animism and dynamism beliefs. In the Moronene community, traditional expressions are seen as something related to the atmosphere of sacredness because it is closely related to the religious nature of humans & until now there are still groups of people who believe in supernatural powers that can help if a disaster strikes and this is inseparable from the influence of animism & dynamism beliefs. However, traditional beliefs are still fundamental, especially beliefs in evil spirits. The function of storing aims so that the younger generation can know & unde...

Muna's Animism

Herawati, a researcher from the Eijkman Research Institute, hypothesized that the spread of Austronesian speakers in the archipelago occurred around 5,000 - 7,000 BC to the south. The latest genetic studies show that the genetics of Indonesian humans today are mostly mixed, originating from 2 / more ancestral populations. This body posture is a characteristic of the Polynesian tribe that inhabits the islands of Flores & Maluku. The remains of the history of the Negroid race civilization can be seen in the cave wall paintings spread across the Kawuna - Wuna area. Koasi says the prehistoric paintings in the Liangkobhori cave complex are over 25,000 years old. Kapitalao matagholeo is based in the Loghia area & kapitalao kansoopa is based in the Wasolangka area. La Ode Saete holds the title Omputo Sorano Masigi, against the Dutch. However, in the end, the Sultan of Buton still made the eternal agreement in 1613 under the leadership of Sultan Dayanu Iksanudin alias Laelangi. After s...

Wolio's Animism

Most of the population inhabiting the province of Southeast Sulawesi are local Indigenous tribes, including the Wolio tribe. Before converting to Islam, the Buton people believed in animism and dynamism. They were also influenced by Hindu-Buddhist beliefs. However, the older generation still believes in supernatural things brought by their ancestors. This food is usually present during Eid al-Fitr and Adha. This tradition is carried out in the month of Syawal. This tradition begins with tarawih prayers at exactly 24.00, then continues with qunut prayers, and closes with sahur together.

Banggai's Animism

Most of the population inhabiting the province of Southeast Sulawesi are local indigenous tribes, including the Banggai tribe. The activities still found today are hunting, especially in the Peleng Island area in the interior. While to get to their place it takes 4 days of land travel, traveling 80 - 100 km. They still adhere to animism and believe in the power of spirits & other inanimate objects. Not just worshiping ancestral spirits that cannot guarantee their lives in the afterlife. Christianity was first spread by missionaries from the Netherlands, namely AC Cruyt & Adrian in the Poso area and the southern part of Donggala. While Hinduism & Buddhism were brought by transmigrants from Bali and West Indonesia. Before this alian ideology, the Sampekonan community adhered to animism, dynamism & mysticism, until the entry of Haji Ali Taetang to Sampekonan. Still, Ali Taetang brought the alian ideology as a new stream of Islam. Before the new name was announced as Zikrul...

Wawonii's Animism

This area has officially become a new district since 2013, after previously being the Konawe district. The Wawonii people are still bound by animism. Pray that the Holy Spirit will open the spiritual eyes and disturb the hearts of the Wowonii people so that they turn to the truth of God's word.

Buton's Animism

In 1275, 1 Kertanagara army departed from the port of Tuban. In 1286, Kertanagara ordered the transport of a collection of works obtained by people in the Jambi area to Melayu. Kertanagara's intention was clear: to establish 1 Javanese Kingdom in Central Sumatra, which would become the center of Javanese culture on the island. In the northern part of the Malacca peninsula, the newly established Siamese Kingdom had captured part of the Sriwijaya area. In Aceh, new kingdoms had also begun to emerge, for example, the Perlak Kingdom and the Samudra Pasai Sultanate. The first Sipanjonga group, with Sijawangkati as the head, made the first landing in Kalaupa, a coastal area of the King of Tobo—Tobo, while Simalui and Sitamanajo landed in Walalogusi. At the time of the first landing, Sipanjonga raised the flag of his Kingdom in a place not far from Kalampa, a sign of his greatness. This hill was later famous as Lelemangura. With the existence of the Sijawangkai Dungkusangia peace, the Tob...

Tolaki's Animism

Most of the population inhabiting the province of Southeast Sulawesi are local indigenous tribes, including the Tolaki tribe. The name of the Tolaki tribe comes from the word to = person / human, laki = male gender, so it means a human with high masculinity, is brave & upholds honor/self-esteem. Inside the cave are stored many artifacts, including human skulls, work tools such as hunting tools, objects of worship, jars, pottery, porcelain made by China, Thailand, VOC, Dutch East Indies, worship stones, there are several pictures/scenes such as animals, palms, hunting, canoes/boats, humans, statues, terracotta, etc. According to the speakers of the King's genealogy, until now there are still remnants of the small Kingdom, both archaeological and ethnographic relics, for example, the ruins of the Wawolesea King's Palace in Toreo. Furthermore, Totongano Wonua moved the center of his Kingdom from Padangguni to Unaaha, because when Totongano Wonua made a trip in order to unite t...