Banggai's Animism

Most of the population inhabiting the province of Southeast Sulawesi are local indigenous tribes, including the Banggai tribe. The activities still found today are hunting, especially in the Peleng Island area in the interior. While to get to their place it takes 4 days of land travel, traveling 80 - 100 km.

They still adhere to animism and believe in the power of spirits & other inanimate objects. Not just worshiping ancestral spirits that cannot guarantee their lives in the afterlife. Christianity was first spread by missionaries from the Netherlands, namely AC Cruyt & Adrian in the Poso area and the southern part of Donggala.

While Hinduism & Buddhism were brought by transmigrants from Bali and West Indonesia. Before this alian ideology, the Sampekonan community adhered to animism, dynamism & mysticism, until the entry of Haji Ali Taetang to Sampekonan. Still, Ali Taetang brought the alian ideology as a new stream of Islam. Before the new name was announced as Zikrullah Aulia Allah, it turned out that this sect had grown rapidly since 1956.

Two days ago, dozens of Ta Wana tribe members were willing to walk for 2 days to convert to Islam. 78 Ta Wana tribe members who live in Gunung Tua, in the interior of Tojo Una Una district, finally declared their faith at the Darul Hikmah Islamic boarding school, Luwuk City, Wednesday, under the guidance of KH Muhammad Muadz Lc. He had started his sincere intention to preach in that place 5 years ago because he saw the condition of the Loinang tribe who needed an Islamic touch.

Based on information from one of the initiators of the conversion, H Iswan Kurnia Hasan who was contacted from Palu, said that the 78 residents would then undergo guidance from Islamic mass organizations and the Darul Hikmah Islamic boarding school.


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